To give or To receive?

Dream-tending. To give or to receive? Which lens will you look through?

Dream-tending. To give or to receive? Which lens will you look through?
The summer of 2016 has been a hard one for our world. The only way I know to respond is from my heart and through my creativity.
As a young woman, I dreamed of going to Paris. Then I married, began a career, divorced, remarried and had children. Life did its thing of marching by through days, months, and years.
There is a mighty power in telling the Universe what you want and setting an intention. A few weeks ago I told my life coach I was disappointed that I hadn’t completed another book this year and wanted to do something productive with the remaining calendar months.
This week I am delighted to introduce to you artist and friend, Robin Bray. When I began to ponder my next interview guest, Robin's name kept popping into my mind. I met her a couple of years ago while we were both at The Soltura Foundation. She was experiencing a particularly challening point in her life and chose to step in and do something different. Since that time, she has become a poster child for transformation and following your dreams. Where I see things in words, she captures them with her paintbrush.