Refocus: Sometimes I Forget ...

What happens when you forget who you are? What brings you back to center? On good days, I remember to write, to paint, to refocus.
What happens when you forget who you are? What brings you back to center? On good days, I remember to write, to paint, to refocus.
Gathering with other writers is balm for my soul. In our recent group, the leader shared an exquisite poem by Natalie Diaz called "If I Should Come Upon Your House Lonely in the West Texas Desert" and asked us to write from whatever words or images beckoned us. Following us is what emerged. Enjoy!
When fear takes over and we cease to experience wonder, curiosity, awe, and love, that is the greatest death. An unedited journal conversation about the spiritual impact of fear generated by the onslaught of news about the coronavirus.
For now is all we have. Time is not to be rushed. But savored, loved, and lingered in.
Daily people ask how the book is doing? Truth? I have no idea! There are layers of people (publishers, distributers, sellers) between me and the results. The reach may be large or small, but I know the magic is deep. Readers have told me so, but at 3:00 a.m. silence (i.e. no feedback) speaks way louder than words.