In Praise of Summer

For now is all we have. Time is not to be rushed. But savored, loved, and lingered in.
For now is all we have. Time is not to be rushed. But savored, loved, and lingered in.
What if people supported each other instead of competing? What if we learned not only how to give, but also how to receive without judgment or criticism?
Such a simple thing, the striking of the match against the box the flame as it leaps from the tip of the wood the smell of fire, and poof, like magic they are alight.
Blog Action Day - What if instead of seeing ourselves as flawed and not good enough, we were to see ourselves as the unique, amazing, and special people that we are? What if we believed this above all else and offered this sentiment outward for all people? Can you imagine how inequality might begin to make a shift toward equality?
I recently attended a women’s event where one of the speakers asked us to fill in the blank about a feeling of being “too” something in our lives. You know those "too's." Too much. Too fat. Too thin. Too quiet. Too loud. My response? All of these + the one that kind of surprised me, Too shiny.