To give or To receive?

Dream-tending. To give or to receive? Which lens will you look through?

Dream-tending. To give or to receive? Which lens will you look through?
Blog Action Day - What if instead of seeing ourselves as flawed and not good enough, we were to see ourselves as the unique, amazing, and special people that we are? What if we believed this above all else and offered this sentiment outward for all people? Can you imagine how inequality might begin to make a shift toward equality?
I never cease to be amazed at the kindness of the world when we open our hearts and minds to receive. Receiving is different than going out to look for something with expectations. Rather it is setting an intention that you are willing to be open to your surroundings and receive what the Universe has to offer. It is being willing to offer yourself in return.
Are you ready to discover what it really means to say, ‘Oh My God’ and how to warm your way into a Parisian heart? If so, then read on, mes amies (my friends)…
Do you ever wake up with a song on your lips or lyrics dancing through your mind? One morning I woke to the chorus of Fun’s “Some Nights.” What do I stand for? A great question, don’t you think?