On Kindness & 'Random' Encounters

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
I never cease to be amazed at the kindness of the world when we open our hearts and minds to receive. Receiving is different than going out to look for something with expectations. Rather it is setting an intention that you are willing to be open to your surroundings and receive what the Universe has to offer. It is being willing to offer yourself in return.
This past weekend I spent an afternoon in Port Orchard helping with a workshop on self-growth and discovery. It was beautiful and amazing to watch how all our needs were met. I considered this time to be for the participants and that my rewards would come in the form of service and kindness to them. It was when I let go of any expectations of receiving something directly for myself that things took a shift.
With a few lone moments to spare, I stopped by Starbucks for an afternoon snack. It was there I met my miracle — Mel, a semi-retired engineer, who loves to dance and has an amazing sense of humor. The time flew as we sat in our cozy corner next to two cute teenage girls taking selfies and pretending to do homework. We chatted about the weather, the Internet & iPhones, his life as an engineer, my passion for helping others, and a few other random topics.
Toward the end of our time together, he thanked me for visiting and said, “You know, everyone has something interesting to say or teach if you just take the time to stop and listen.” Those were almost the exact words we had sent the ladies off with that day. I smiled and felt a huge YES sing inside my heart.
The signs and messages are everywhere – a hummingbird’s nest, a lonely young man at the bus stop, an autistic child on a playground, blue skies, heavy raindrops, rainbows, retired engineers… When we see with the eyes of our hearts, the world opens and expands. My joy comes from experiencing peace and connection and letting my cup overflow!
From where does your joy flow? How will you open yourself to receive what the world has to offer today?
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