On Living a Winged Life

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
"I am coming to believe that there is no final destination except to continue to be on the journey and to know that every place along the way is a holy place." Judith E. Smith
I haven't been writing much lately and it's all I can do to get my 10-20 minute meditation time in... even Deepak and Oprah are having a hard time getting me to sit still. Excitement has taken over my state of being and winged birds fill my sight and imagination. Pourquoi? (Why?) You might ask... Tomorrow afternoon I will be climbing on the ultimate 'winged bird' (l'avion) alongside my traveling companion, Sharon Richards. Paris is calling me... again. I'm so delighted to be sharing the city I love with old and new friends that I think I might be able to fly there without the plane.
It's been a wild and wonderful week here at home.
On Tuesday when I was driving home from my final week with SPARROW (a group of amazing women), an enormous eagle swooped in front of my car as I crossed Lake Washington. Her movements were perfectly choreographed to the lyrics of "Unwritten" - live your life with arms wide open. I waved out my window as I drove past and she replied with her own clear 'hello.' Miracles glistened in the air and on the lake.
On Wednesday as Sharon and I sat at Belle Epicurean basking in the Seattle sunshine and discussing Paris details, two more eagles - first a very young one and then the more mature - soared overhead in the crystal blue sky. We giggled and watched with awe. Live your life with arms wide open, they called from above.
On Thursday my As I Lay Pondering reading was titled, "In Search of Winged Wisdom." Teach me, little bird... What are the secrets of living a winged life?
Live your life with arms wide open!
The past few nights it has been warm enough to sleep with the windows open and I've been awoken in the wee hours to the sounds of singing birds. I feel their excitement to begin each day and I know if I don't ground myself in the moment, I may lift off and float away with them into the stratosphere.
The notes of the world are playing. The songs of life beckoning. Each moment is filled with holiness. My excitement is building and I know it's not just about Paris. I am being called (yet again) to live my life with arms wide open... to receive what is placed along my pathway... to soar like the eagle and be humble as the sparrow.
I am embarking on a grand adventure and only time (and possibly the birds) will tell where it's leading. I am humbled and awed by this pathway. It is one of earth, sky, water, and fire. There is no final destination. My mission is to be on the journey... to open my arms and perhaps even fly.
Tell me, dear one. What is the secret to living your winged life?
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Reader Comments (2)
Soaring-nothing but soaring into the tremendous opportunity laden universe for both of us! Exhilarating! xoxo
xoxo to you, Dianna!!