What Do You Stand For?

“But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
Oh, Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, oh
What do I stand for?
What do I stand for?
Most nights I don't know...”
(lyrics by Fun)
Do you ever wake up with a song on your lips or lyrics dancing through your mind? One morning I woke to the chorus of Fun’s “Some Nights.” What do I stand for?
A great question, don’t you think?
Since journaling prompts are one of my favorite ways of writing, I decided to begin there…What do I stand for? Here’s what tumbled out…
I stand for compassion and kindness. Fighting the good fight and having courage to step into the places I fear. Bravery is being afraid and still moving forward.
I stand for laughter, love, and light.
Doing my best each moment, even if my best doesn’t look like anyone else’s idea of best.
I stand for petting kittens, spending time in meditation, and journaling with a furry cat sprawled across my pages, believing wisdom is in the purr.
I stand for eating less and moving more. Getting rid of clutter—physically, spiritually, and mentally.
I stand for allowing my children to fight their own good fight even (maybe especially) when it’s painful for me to watch.
I stand for embracing the moment, embracing each other, and seeking forgiveness even when it seems impossible.
I stand for dream-making, play-making, Life-making.
I stand for being honest, making mistakes, falling down and getting back up again and again.
I stand for creativity in word, action, and deed. I know we also create conflict—that’s why I stand for making mistakes, seeking forgiveness, compassion, kindness, and being brave.
I stand for Love in all shape and form.
I stand for play, imagination, and connection. Connection with God, self, others, the world.
I stand for listening quietly and acting boldly. For finding my own voice and listening intently to hear yours.
I stand for waking up each morning and asking what I stand for and beginning from there.
What do YOU stand for?
Write for at least 10 minutes by hand. See what bubbles up... and if you're feeling brave, please please please share it with me. I'm listening!!

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