To give or To receive?

Dream-tending. To give or to receive? Which lens will you look through?

Dream-tending. To give or to receive? Which lens will you look through?
White privilege is never having to consider the color of one's skin, because it is the default "color" on which the United States is based. If a reader experiences anger or discomfort with my statement that says 'I’m privileged,' then my invitation would be to consider what's happening. Why the response? What if they turned up curiosity toward the topic or themselves rather than rushing to fix the problem or dismiss my point of view? In my experience, curiosity is expansive and leads to conversation. Rigidity and judgment push empathy to the back seat and overshadow the issue at hand.
What happens when things don't go according to plan? I was planning to be home all month. I was going to write a few more chapters in my new book and go to my neighborhood yoga studio for 28 days of practice. I planned to settle in and nest, cook fabulous meals, take photos for #enchantyoureveryday. Basically, I was going to be a nap-taking, cat-cuddling homebody.
Life can be really challenging, don’t you think? It seems to me like we’re always seeking balance and fighting labels. We’re either Eeyore or Tigger. Lucy or Charlie Brown. Happy or Sad. Brave or Bitchy. The truth is that it’s not really about either/or, but rather our lives are filled with both/and.
What will we write in these rooms? How will we create? What will we add or decide we no longer need? Taking it slowly. Adding a piece here and there and carefully placing art back on the walls. It feels like a fresh start. With new windows comes new vision. We have an open canvas.