In this piece I share a few of the voices and resources I’ve been exploring this past month in the hopes that you will find something that sparks your own invitation to know better and do better. To enter in with eyes open to discovery, knowing once you begin there will be things you can’t “unsee.” This work is not for the faint of heart, but most things worth achieving aren’t.
Wrestling with social justice ... my perspective
Over time, I have collected a bag full of trickster practices that I use to encourage myself to write or paint or get out of bed when life feels overwhelming or uninspired or just plain scary. One of them is what I call an #abcprompt. Learn about it + resources for social justice, mindfulness, and more
White privilege is never having to consider the color of one's skin, because it is the default "color" on which the United States is based. If a reader experiences anger or discomfort with my statement that says 'I’m privileged,' then my invitation would be to consider what's happening. Why the response? What if they turned up curiosity toward the topic or themselves rather than rushing to fix the problem or dismiss my point of view? In my experience, curiosity is expansive and leads to conversation. Rigidity and judgment push empathy to the back seat and overshadow the issue at hand.