Blues Clues: This Week Around the Web

On Book Clubs, Creative Process, Celebration and MORE!!

On Book Clubs, Creative Process, Celebration and MORE!!
Have you ever asked yourself what it might mean for you to live into YOUR BIG DREAM? Here's a little inspiration to begin...
In the midst of mudslides, a missed flight and mayhem over my novel's release date, a few things like these fun interviews went as planned. There’s something here for everyone: video, audio, written word… Paris, BLUE, behind-the-scenes, confidence building.
Today it is my delight and privilege to share with you a recent interview with friend and colleague, Christine Valters Paintner, online Abbess at Abbey of the Arts. In this 20-minute video interview, we touch upon the interplay of pilgrimage in marriage, reflecting backward while moving forward, where does an abbess live, listening to the hard places (i.e. welcoming discomfort), journeying at home, and more.
Author and spiritual director, Colette Lafia originally wrote to me about her book "Seeking Surrender: How My Friendship With a Trappist Monk Taught Me to Trust and Embrace Life” while I was traveling in Europe, pursuing two of my favorite practices—writing and SoulStrolling™. She spoke to me of resonance with my work and the feeling that we two were kindred spirits. Let me just say, she was spot on. When I dove into her soulful words, I felt as if I were meeting an old friend. Her prose is worth savoring and I find her thoughts staying with me throughout each day.