From writer to author ~ thoughts on living YOUR big dream

When I signed up with my publisher, Terri Ann Leidich of BQB Publishing a year ago this month, she told me I would be transitioning from writer to author. I liked the sound of that, but didn’t exactly understand what she meant… I’m still not certain I fully get it. What I do know is that my writing world has shifted. I can no longer deny the fact that I am an author, because I have two books with my name on the front of them and several others that hold my prose within their binding. I am an author. I still shake my head a little when I read or say those four small words. I am an author. It’s a very cool feeling and more than a bit awesome—as in some bit of awe. I am awestruck. I don’t expect you, the reader, to be awestruck, but I, this author, am.
It’s been a wild ride to here and now. It’s just over three weeks until BLUE: a novel’s official release date (btw - You're invited to the release party. Click here for details). I’ve cried a little, danced a lot, awakened in the middle of the night with characters cruising through my dreams, and worried that no more stories are left inside me. I’ve seen synchronicity after synchronicity show up in the writing and marketing of BLUE as friends and strangers have surprised and delighted me with their support and acceptance. And, yes, there are those individuals who look at my accomplishment with lackluster frowns and roll their eyes with what’s-the-big-deal sighs. It comes with the territory.
This morning I woke up from an exhausted sleep after five days on the road and wondered how I could possibly sustain my enthusiasm for book promotion for one more day, let alone three weeks or even a few years. Then I opened my Facebook page and a notice floated to the top. Immediately, I was transported to a land of tingles and tears—just like a character out of BLUE. In a small second, I remembered why I do what I do. My “author~ly” cup overflows with love and gratitude for wonderful readers like you and the ones below who offer your voices and hearts to join me on this journey.
“A week ago Sunday, I was waking up from a nap when the doorbell rang. A few minutes later, my husband placed a package on the bed murmuring how strange it was to get a postal delivery on a Sunday. I peered at the label—it was from Amazon and sure enough, there was BLUE!
The past week has been spent savoring this magical book, reading bits at a time to prolong the journey through its pages. The stories of three women are woven together in a tapestry—rich, colorful, intricate. Like a child's bedtime story, it has taken me to a different place and fueled my imagination.
When I think back to that Sunday when BLUE arrived, I am sure there was shimmering ultramarines, teals and cerulean, in the air as the mail truck disappeared into the blue!” ~ Ruth Whitney Turner
“My friend, Kayce Stevens Hughlett, has written what is now one of my favorite novels, Blue. Here's my review...
Let me honest - I know the author, I was given a review copy. And I'm so glad I didn't have to wait to read this book!
Before I was in more than a couple chapters, I completely forgot all that. I was just there, traveling with three complex characters, visiting lands known and unknown, spellbound and not wanting to put the book down. I stayed up late one night and read the last half straight through, something I rarely do anymore.
Kayce Hughlett has woven a fascinating tale and delivered it in an incredibly creative and readable way. The format is not easily defined, and it flows beautifully, allowing you to visit first one character, then the next and the next, until all the seemingly disparate threads start to spin together, before you even realize what's happening.
I highly recommend this one, for anyone who loves a good story and a great surprise ending.” ~ Christa Gallopoulos
Around the Net: More interviews and reviews from the week…
Sharon Richards: Inside 'Blue: a novel' by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
"I remember the day I met Izabel. I was sitting having lunch by myself and was flipping through a magazine and this image of a woman in an evening gown on a paddle board jumped out at me and I knew I had met one of my characters; she evolved from there."
Michele Jennae: Connecting People: Kayce Stevens Hughlett, Author
"The biggest reward ties in with the challenge: Learning to relinquish control. When I turned my creation over to a third party, I realized this was not just mine anymore. The process has been both wonderful and challenging. In the past when I considered being out of control, it brought a groan to my body. Now, I’m practicing turning that groan into a glow as I trust that my publisher will take care of lots of details, thus freeing me to be more creative. The other out of control bonus (and scary/exhilarating part) is that BLUE seems to be taking its own flight and I am holding on for the ride."
Author Encounters: Heather Bee talks with Blue author, Kayce Stevens Hughlett
"Everyone has some method of coping with challenging situations and, unchecked, these coping mechanisms can turn into addictive or avoidant behaviors. It was fun for me to play with some of these extreme and subtle behaviors in the form of my characters."
"In the midst of the madness, a few things like these fun interviews went as planned. There’s something here for everyone: video, audio, written word… Paris, BLUE, behind-the-scenes, confidence building."
Live it to Give it invitation:
Ask yourself what it might mean for you to live into YOUR BIG DREAM. Here's a little inspiration to get you s.
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." ~ Francis of Assisi
Oh... one more thing, you can check out soon-to-be-released novel, Blue! here... or click the Amazon box in the border.

Reader Comments (2)
It's good to see you still writing over here! Lately, I've been missing the blogging community we used to have so I actually wrote a post on my blog and then noticed, because you're still on my sidebar, that you'd posted recently, so I popped over here.
Congratulations on your authorship; that's so wonderful! And here's another synchronicity for you - my color for the year is blue :)
Hi Susan - Thanks so much for stopping by here. I went to your site and read your lovely post. I tried three times to get a comment posted and finally decided to try it here in the hopes that you'll receive it. I, too, miss the "old days" and the lovely engagement we had as bloggers. This is different. Evolved? Maybe. I am so grateful for that time and people like you who helped build my courage to write more. Fondly, Kayce