The Power of Putting Dreams onto Paper

I believe there is magic in the written word and power in putting our dreams and wishes onto paper.
As a young woman, I dreamed of going to Paris. Then I married, began a career, divorced, remarried and had children. Life did its thing of marching by through days, months, and years.
In my late forties with children nearly grown, I joined a class called "Awakening the Creative Spirit." It was in that class that I wrote this poem about my Inner Poet… still never having been to France.
Less than one year later, serendipity greeted me and I found myself on an airplane to Paris. When I landed, I knew I had returned home to greet the woman with tipped beret and all-knowing smile.
Inner Poet
(from As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life)
My inner poet is French. Tipped beret and Mona Lisa smile. Her voice rings out with playful laughter, her arms wide open, leaping into darkness and light. She is beautiful and earnest. Seductive and serious. She was born on the wings of angels and birthed out of pain and suffering. I recognize her in the first morning light by the gentle shores of the sea. She is bathed in God’s fragrance and surrounded by belief.
What does this inner poet know for sure? She is light. She is dark. Complete and unfinished. A creature of God. A glorious paradox. This poet lives hidden from sight. Covered in blue scarves and white. Peeking through the window and knocking on the door. She lives at home inviting others to come and sit by her fire.
Her imagination is infinite. She dreams of knowing and being known, of embracing and being embraced. She desires community, fellowship, peace and solitude. She must speak of everything. The resonant and the dissonant. The beauty and the depravity. The joy and the sorrow. The fullness of life and the darkness of death.
She sits on the sidewalks of Life, holding a thin cigarette and dreaming her dreams. Her voice speaks in a beautiful accent. Tipped beret and all-knowing smile.
My inner poet is a romantic. She is French.
Who is your inner poet? Where does she live? For what does she long? Take a few minutes. Put pen to paper. Stir up a little magic! I'm happy to help!
If you're curious about the idea of intentional travel, consider joining Sharon Richards and me for our next Urban Pilgrimage: Where Soul Greets Soul in Paris, France.
We just opened a brand new set of dates, May 9 - 16, 2015. Experience the joy of being present to yourself in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We promise, you've never seen Paris (or yourself) like this!!!
My signature self-care and soul nourishment class, Live it to Give it, is available online. Start the new season with intention!! Details here. Self-study only $95. Kickstart your life today!
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