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Be careful what you wish for… it just may come true!!!

Holy cow! This being an author thing is getting real! If you follow me on Facebook or have run into me anytime recently then you’ve probably already heard that my novel, Blue, has found a publishing home! I am over-the-moon excited and more than a tad terrified. The roller coaster of wild emotions over the last couple of weeks is likely mild to what I’m going to experience in the coming months.

What it looks like to have a novel acceptedBe careful what you wish for… it just may come true!!! There is a mighty power in telling the Universe what you want and setting an intention. A few weeks ago I told my life coach I was disappointed that I hadn’t completed another book this year and wanted to do something productive with the remaining calendar months. The end result of our conversation was that I would schedule time on my calendar to simply write – the good, the bad, the benign. With this simple act of commitment, I unconsciously re-placed my energy on authorship. Doors started to open and at the end of July, I stated in my bio for Where Writers Win (a new gig) that my novel was searching for a publication home. Less than a week later, it found one! (Please let me clarify that this was after many months of query letters and rejection.)

When I first received the email from BQB Publishing, I thought it was the standard rejection letter and I muttered a few choice expletives to myself. Then I read something I hadn’t seen before: “We are pleased to tell you that we are accepting Blue for publishing.”  I can still feel the range of emotions that flew through my body at warped speed: laughter, tears, fear (lots of fear) and pure unadulterated JOY! I am receiving what I’ve asked for. What I’ve been working my butt off for. This is what I’ve dreamed about. (Hanging prepositions be damned!) Publication. Someone wants my book! I am amazed and filled with gratitude.

This past Friday I signed the official contract. Woohoo! Like I said, this author thing is getting very real. I am now contractually committed to making this the absolute best book it can be. Today I received several documents: Author Competitive Analysis, Book Marketing Spreadsheet, Author Resources, and more. My heart is beating wildly and I am terrified that writer’s block is going to wrap around my brain and never let me out! I’m also practicing lots of deep breathing and plan to go to yoga later today.

I keep reminding myself that I’m ready for this. I’ve been training a lifetime for this moment. From the second I carefully drew my first letter in a Big Chief notebook to this blog post I’m tapping into the computer, I have been a writer… and now I’m going to be an author. Holy cow!!


There is power in asking for what you want. Today, I invite you to take some time, listen to your heart, perhaps take your soul for a stroll, and articulate your own dream(s). I’m here to testify that they show up by taking one tiny step at a time.


Blue - A trio of complex heroines.  Three unique and subtly connected stories. One inevitable ending. Scheduled release date September, 10, 2015.


Reader Comments (3)

Release date - September 10 - love the date!!!!! xoxo

August 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDianna

I'm so happy for you!!

August 19, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterhmmbrd

Dianna - can you imagine the party I'm planning? xoxoxo

Thanks, Hummingbird. I miss you lots!!!

August 20, 2014 | Registered CommenterKayce S Hughlett

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