Live it to Give it Interview with Artist Robin Bray

This week I am delighted to introduce to you artist and friend, Robin Bray. When I began to ponder my next interview guest, Robin's name kept popping into my mind. I met her a couple of years ago while we were both at The Soltura Foundation. Since that time, she has become a poster child (or should I say 'painter woman'?) for transformation and following your dreams. Where I see things in words, Robin captures them with her paintbrush. I think you're going to like what she has to share! Oh... and did I happen to mention she's a big fan of As I Lay Pondering?
Kayce: So... let's begin with a topic we know we both agree on {teehee} Please tell us, what’s one of your favorite readings from As I Lay Pondering?
Robin: I have more than one; there have actually been three that have really stuck with me, to the point of inspiring some art.
“Be Like Water Flowing” (January 2) was an entry that really left a visual image on my heart and encouraged me to “go with the flow” in life and to stop trying to swim against the current of events that I had no control over. The words “You are the boat, life is the sea” reminded me of a Louisa May Alcott piece that I have made my anthem “I’m not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship."
I used to fall apart like overcooked pasta at some of the storms that were rocking my life, I am learning to let go, and I’m learning to look for the lessons and the growth in the challenges of life instead of disintegrating in their wake.
Another favorite is “Belly of the Whale." I grew up in a time and a place that discouraged “negative feelings”, like being sad, feeling loss, and really mourning. I was told to put on a happy face and think positive! Kayce’s writing on the darkest day of the year (December 21) gave me permission to embrace the darkness, feel my pain and give over my burdens to something greater than myself.
Pedrita (available for sale). Click on image.A popular piece of art that I created after reading her story is “Pedrita the Flying Pig”, inspired by As I Lay Pondering’s entry on January 12, “When Pigs Fly." I really connected with Pedrita as she wondered in the barnyard if just going through the motions was all life had to offer. I was encouraged by her dreams, her questions about life and the creatures she lived with, as well as her ability to find beauty in everything! Through Pedrita’s compassion and acceptance of the world around her, her dreams really did come true!
Kayce: Wow, Robin! It makes me want to soar like Pedrita when I hear how my words have touched you! It's a great reminder that dreams really do come true!!
I am fascinated with the uniqueness that each of us brings to the world and our innate ability to impact the world for good. So, please tell me… what is your super power and do you have a sidekick?
Robin: My super power is to be able to see beauty in everything, the desert, today’s sunrise (I try not to miss any of those), compassion amidst tragedy, and the most simple of life’s offerings, like those crazy long eyebrows on my adorable companion Kitty.
Kayce: Beautifully said. I love your photographs and paintings of the landscape... so much beauty in the not-so-small things! And Methinks that Kitty might be your perfect sidekick... just sayin'
In closing, I’d love for you to tell the readers what live it to give it means to you?
Robin: Live it to Give it (the online class) was an opportunity for me to slow down and take care of me, so I can be the best me I can be! It reminded me that I couldn’t impact my world if I am not connected to my needs and myself.
Kayce: Thank you so much for taking the time to share your journey, your art, and your super power! You are a beautiful, flowing gift to the world!!
Be sure to read Robin's artist statement, it's packed with more wisdom for daily living!
Robin Bray - Artist Statement
I paint to express what I cannot always put into words. I like to paint a feeling, an idea, or a concept. I’m inspired by a blank canvas, board or empty wall; and the wealth of potential they hold. I love seeing a concept, then revealing it in such a way that the viewer understands the point I am trying to get across. I am intrigued by the way light falls on an object, casting shadows and illuminating the subject. I use bright colors and bold brush strokes, in my work.
My paintings are really just illustrations of what is going on in my life. Nearly all of my pieces have some symbolism; they are statements about my life, my family, or our society. I like working in acrylics, if I don’t like the way things are going “painting over,” is always an option. Just like in life, starting over, painting over, and taking a look at things from a different perspective.
I fill my days creating artwork that shares my feelings and passions. I love to paint animals, not just my own, but other creatures who tug at my heart as well as landscapes, and my own visual interpretation of common sayings. I hope my work inspires you to live life to the fullest, love with passion and look at the world with a fresh sense of optimism.
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