
The summer of 2016 has been a hard one for our world. The only way I know to respond is from my heart and through my creativity.

The summer of 2016 has been a hard one for our world. The only way I know to respond is from my heart and through my creativity.
There is something powerful in writing things down and setting intentions. It doesn’t come from a place of SHOULD or HAVE TO. It’s more fluid than that. It’s no wonder that water (i.e. fluidity) is a symbol of transformation. I wonder what this year of reflection will bring? How will you and I allow ourselves to go with the flow in the coming months? Will we be pleased with the reflection we offer to others and ourselves?
Writing, for me, is like breathing. I need to write. I want to write. And some days the words (like breath) won’t come.
How is it that by becoming a writer, I’ve quit writing in the way I loved so much?
I'm traveling this month (fueling my creativity and restoring my soul) and am taking the opportunity to repurpose and highlight some of my favorite posts. This one originally appeared at a beautiful website called, "Midlife Midwife Project." It was a thought-provoking piece for me to write and one that encompasses my belief that we are here on earth to live our lives fully and when we do that we are called to give back to others. One of the greatest compliments I can receive from any reader is that it made them think. I hope you both enjoy this piece and that it inspires you to think about your own story and ponder what you want to share with the world!