Writing (for me) is like breathing. What's your breath?

When I tell people I’m a writer, the first question asked is usually “what do you write?” My answer? I write stories: fiction and nonfiction. I write stories about life and relationships. I follow the threads of my mind and see where they go. I write what whispers to my heart and I try my best not to judge what shows up.
Writing, for me, is like breathing. I need to write. I want to write. And some days the words (like breath) won’t come. My journaling feels scattered and disjointed. My next book is tapping at the door. And… I’m stumped by this season of my life.
In the past year, I completed and launched BLUE (my novel), became a grandmother for the first time, spent more than two months in Europe following my passion for SoulStrolling, and most recently helped transition our daughter from her home (our house) in Seattle to her first “away” home in San Diego. And those are just the big things.
I’m tired, thrilled, and a bit overwhelmed and unsettled. I don’t know where my stories want to go. I know they miss me and I miss them. Still… I don’t know. Can that be enough? Saying “I don’t know,” then sitting back and watching the words flow across the page… or not? Can I call myself a writer if I’m not writing (or selling)? Ah… there’s the rub. I think I should be doing MORE to promote those two book babies I’ve birthed. My lizard brain is setting expectations for what it thinks I should do. Sell MORE. Write MORE. Speak MORE. Do MORE. MORE MORE MORE. Bah!
Daily, my inbox fills with messages of how to accomplish all that MORE in better and more efficient ways. Ugh. Today, I hit delete on several, saved a few, and ignored even more. I set my timer for 15 minutes and I sat down to write. I cranked up the music and I muddled my way across the page. Ha! Looks like I’m writing again. No judgment on quality or amount of time. Today, less is more! It is enough.
That’s today’s story and I’m sticking to it.
Live it to Give it invitation:
Writing, for me, is like breathing. What is your ‘breath’?
How do expectations of ‘more’ or ‘perfect’ get in your way of breathing deeply and fully?
Set a timer for 15 minutes and do what you love. Go for it even if it feels clunky or forced!
Let me know how you feel once you’re done.

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