I used to blog a lot and then...

I used to blog a lot. I mean like daily. I even have a book inspired by it.
I used to blog a lot. I loved it. It helped me clear my mind and make sense out of my life. I had friends around the blogosphere, a community of interesting and considerate people who would comment on my thoughts and I would comment on theirs. We became friends. I met some of them in person, others I still know virtually. Then I became a “writer.” Other things changed too, like the addition of Facebook and Twitter. Our words got condensed into X number of characters and our comments transformed into likes and emoticons. I miss blogging. I miss my friends. I miss putting words onto paper to make sense of my life.
How is it that by becoming a writer, I’ve quit writing in the way I loved so much? I’ve lost my community of blogging buddies. I have over 1,000 “friends” on Facebook and I feel less connected than I did with those twenty or so peeps whose sites I scoured each day for their soulful posts.
What shifted? Me? The world? The Internet? Yes. Yes. Yes. Still, I miss those quiet mornings when I would jot down some thoughts in my journal and toss them onto diamonds in the sky with lucy. Those were diamonds of the most sparkling kind even though they were still buried in carbon. Maybe especially because they were buried in carbon: unpolished, raw, authentic.
I don’t like the polishing process so much. I like raw and real. Tossing out the whacky thoughts in my mind like ‘what makes my cat’s tongue so scratchy and I wonder what the light in my bedroom window looks like from the rainy street outside?’ I miss having Tess from England say ‘hello’ and the guy from Minnesota spout about his life in code. I miss being unedited. So stop editing! You can’t be a writer if you don’t write. You can’t be you if you don’t follow your heart. (lucy)
I used to blog a lot. Like this. From my cozy bed. Before dawn. Before checking email or Facebook. Before coffee.
I used to believe if I edited more than a little, then it wasn’t really writing. Hmmm. Methinks perhaps I’ve edited out some of the goodness along the way. Who knows? Perhaps things will look different after I’ve had my coffee. In the meantime: this is me, blogging. Namaste.
I invite you to step into the inner most recesses of my active imagination.
Blue: a novel is available at Amazon.com, BQBPublishing.com, or your favorite independent bookseller.
"And Daisy dreams in shades of blue about the fantastical world of Tausi in which creatures talk about philosophy and an evil master is plotting her demise. Is she having a near death experience? Or is she really dreaming? Where is she?" ~ Chanticleer Book Reviews

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