Live It Links! A Dozen Fresh Ways to Connect
In the spirit of Live it Links, I thought I'd share a few ways I'm connecting with myself, others, and the world, in the hope that you might find something that sparks your own connection.
In the spirit of Live it Links, I thought I'd share a few ways I'm connecting with myself, others, and the world, in the hope that you might find something that sparks your own connection.
My cats remind me to find my center and allow life to go on powerfully around me as I choose where to put my attention and when to allow my energy to get swept along with life’s current. Purr or panic? You get to choose.
During the holidays it is easy to get stressed and get lost in all the hustle and bustle. A great way to stay grounded is by incorporating meditation into your daily routine. Perhaps you might have heard about the benefits of meditation, yet you could never imagine spending hours focusing on your navel when you have deadlines to meet and companies to launch. Well, meditation has come a long way since the days of monks sitting cross-legged on a mountaintop. Now, you can allow your light to shine even brighter by utilizing these two simple steps to meditation that will ease your stress.
I am a huge believer in listening to my body’s internal compass and step-by-step following the path that leads to the least resistance. Coach Martha Beck calls this feeling “shackles off.” Taking this approach doesn’t mean I don’t experience moments of resistance and that life is always a bowl of Rainier cherries at the height of summer, because experiencing the best life possible takes work and practice. However, once we learn to experience the flow of things, we open the door for moments that feel like pure magic.
Marketing gurus and life coaches are constantly tossing around words like “niche” and “brand.” To be perfectly honest, both words kind of make me gag. It probably comes from living inside a perfectly constructed box for much of my life and now that I’ve broken free I resist going back inside. But… and there’s always a but… if I had to select my niche or brand then I would have to say it is Pondering. I Ponder.