#2 Allow Your Light to Shine Brighter

by guest author, Joie Gharrity
During the holidays it is easy to get stressed and get lost in all the hustle and bustle. A great way to stay grounded is by incorporating meditation into your daily routine. Perhaps you might have heard about the benefits of meditation, yet you could never imagine spending hours focusing on your navel when you have deadlines to meet and companies to launch. Well, meditation has come a long way since the days of monks sitting cross-legged on a mountaintop. Now, you can allow your light to shine even brighter by utilizing these two simple steps to meditation that will ease your stress.
Meditate Every Day Over the Holidays
For meditation to be effective, it should be done every day. While a good meditation session should last about 20-minutes, it is also possible to include short meditation sessions throughout your day. As you meditate, relax your mind and clear out all of your distractions. Remember, this time is about you focusing your energy on you. If a stray thought enters your mind, acknowledge it and return to your defined intentions. Over time, it will become easier to let your mind relax and focus solely on your meditations.
Tis the Season To Allow Your Light To Shine BrightThe key to successful meditation is visualization. As you breathe in and out slowly, be sure to feel the emotions that come with obtaining all that you desire. Remember to focus on the understanding that your dreams are within your grasp, and each one will be fully realized as you rely on the fundamental truth that everything you need is already within the universe, just waiting to be brought out by the adventuresome spirit that makes you unique. Happy Holidays!
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Joie Gharrity: Brand Strategist, Social Media Influencer and Speaker, Founder of No.113 Branding. Joie worked in the Hollywood entertainment industry for 15+ years at top companies, such as The Walt Disney Company. She shares her extensive Hollywood insider techniques and strategies along with her exclusive No.113 Network to help women entrepreneurs around the world increase their company brand VISIBILITY in the marketplace.
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