#1 Redefining Busy

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
"Busy” is a word that evokes strong emotion in me and I find myself bucking up against it, particularly during the holiday season. The majority of the world seems to think we must all be frantic and operating on hyperspeed at this time of year. My hope and goal is to redefine what “busy” means. I'm delighted you've chosen to join our group of amazing collaborators for this "slow movement." What if instead of rushing from the next appointment or worrying about shopping for the perfect gift or doing any number of things that totally stress you out, you redefined busy as something like this?
o Sleeping a little later than usual and tending to your dreams. Feeling your body gently awaken in bed and noticing the stretch of your limbs and spine as they loosen.
o Choosing to stay home in the evening and have soup and salad with your loved ones rather than rushing out the door for the next Christmas concert. Being busy with conversation and laughter rather than herding around with crowds.
o Pausing in the middle of the day to read a novel and take a nap. Busying yourself with restorative yoga and slowly sipped cups of tea.
o Instead of giving in to the huge to do list by your side, opting for a few moments of silence and an inspirational reading at noon, because you slept a little later in the morning.
What if busy looked like intentional movement and choice throughout the day? If we controlled busy rather than letting busy control us? What if we actually enjoyed this holiday season and took some time to wait as the Advent tradition suggests? What if busy looked like smiling at our neighbor, intently listening to the words of a holiday carol, or simply watching the lights twinkle on the Christmas tree?
Pause and ponder.
How might you change if you redefined busy?
How might the world feel different?
What if you controlled busy instead of it controlling you?
excerpted & adapted from As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life
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Kayce Stevens Hughlett is a self-proclaimed artist of being alive. Her passions include writing, speaking, lifestyle coaching, and taking groups for soul strolls in Paris. Her 2012 non-fiction book, As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life is a lyrical and lucid treasure that invites readers to new awakenings throughout the year. It’s a great holiday gift for yourself or others. Learn more about Kayce and her offerings at www.liveittogiveit.me.

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