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We Are Here For Giving

“The clipping said forgiveness meant that God is for giving, and that we are here for giving, too, and that to withhold love or blessings is to be completely delusional.” 
Anne Lamott ~ Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace

Last week I gave myself the gift of open space and time. I blocked out four days in capital letters: NO APPOINTMENTS. It felt luxurious and extremely necessary. My life coach and I were working on making a plan for the coming weeks and I felt resistant to adding more deadlines and to-dos. Finally she asked how it might feel if I blocked days out (i.e. added open space). Immediately, I felt my lungs expand and calm settle over me. “Ahhh… that feels really good,” I replied.

The humorous thing is that I remind anyone who will listen that paying attention to your own body is essential for whole-hearted and healthy living. It’s easy, however, to get caught up in how we “should” be giving to others and forget ourselves in the process. Therefore, I’m immensely grateful for the people in my life who remind me to slow down and listen to my own inner guidance.
When I listen closely to my needs, I’ve discovered it naturally flows out to others. After all, ‘we are here for giving.’  
During last week’s open space, my creativity began to flow. I woke up on Thursday with the idea that I wanted… no, I needed… to give away 31 days of simplicity and inspiration to others. I felt giddy just thinking about it and within an hour or so, more than a dozen like-minded individuals had offered to share their own thoughts on slowing down. Voilà! A collaborative gift was hatched.
Tell me: What do you need during this holiday season? If it’s space and inspiration, then please consider joining us for “31 days of simplicity & inspiration.” A wide range of simplicity seekers are here to assist you. Simply click on the sign up box. That’s it. You’ll receive 31 musings straight to your inbox. No charge. No obligation. No Spamming!!

Contributors include: Michele Battershell, Lisa D’Alesio, Blaze Lazarony, Heather Robison, Joie Gharrity, Adria Williams, Debra Smouse, Christine Valters Paintner, Jen Duchene, Teri Hockett, Kat Simmons, Sharon Richards, Lisa Lamont, Starla J. King, Tara Bokitch, Sunshine Sue, Bill Hughlett & Kayce Stevens Hughlett

Reader Comments (1)

Yeah!very nice post.I read it carefully.Thanks a lot for sharing this post.

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