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Live It Links! A Dozen Fresh Ways to Connect 

Today I'd like to honor YOU and invite you to honor yourself. 

In the spirit of Live it Links, I thought I'd share a few ways I'm connecting with myself, others, and the world, in the hope that you might find something that sparks your own connection. 

This week I began one of Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey's 21-day meditation retreats, "Creating Peace from the Inside Out." FREE and it's not too late to sign up. 20 minutes a day just for you.

connecting with my ancestorsI'm learning ways of honoring myself, our ancestors, and our amazing Earth from Pixie Lighthorse
Her educational programs are inspired by her indigenous lineage and the divine feminine. 

I find this time of year, I can use some extra grounding, including long walks outside, feeling the changes of the season and all they have to offer. I'm practicing yoga at home through short, relaxing, and internal sequences. Yoga Studio is my favorite app for @ home study. 

I'm listening to "Heart of the Moon" radio on Apple Music & the abridged version of "Women Who Run with Wolves" by Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Audible.

For the writers out there, it's National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO). Instead of doing a word count this year, I've set a goal of 90 minutes a day to work on my upcoming book that I'm not quite ready to talk about. :) 

I'm journaling in the "Zen Sketchbook" Illustrated by Violette Bénilan. It's perfect, because if I don't feel like writing I can color instead. Speaking of coloring, I can't wait to get my own copy of "Happy Flowers Coloring Book: Color Yourself Happy" by Debbie Patrk Vinyard ~ the amazing cover illustrator of BLUE

I'm watching "This is Us" via Hulu and loving it!! I'm reading "The Bone Clock" by David Mitchell ("Cloud Atlas") and not loving it quite as much as I did "A Man Called Ove"  by Fredrik Backman.

My favorite cookbook this month is "31 Meals: A Month of Heatlhy Simple Dinners" from Minimalist Baker. It is a yummy plant-based diet and includes weekly menus plus shopping lists. My favorite so far is the Black Bean Chili & Cornbread. 

Last, but not least, I am playing in my visual journal and napping every chance I get. 

So... How will you honor yourself this month? What feels like nourishment? What tastes like self-care? What sounds like love?
BONUS: Set your timer and free-write for ten minutes with one or all of today's questions. 

I'd love to connect with you and hear what you discover!!  


References (5)

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    Response: dlink login
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    Response: edubirdie
    Almost certainly we are for Allah since he influenced us and sent us to this world to perceive how well we to pass this exam and live. The fundamental motivation behind his making and sending us here is to implore him legitimate that for the most part individuals have overlooked.
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    Response: customer feedback
    If you know that fresh air bring some connection with air and this kind of connection is may be or may not be good. But in real this kind of air is good for our lungs and also for our stomic.
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    Kayce Hughlett - live it to give it_blog - Live It Links! A Dozen Fresh Ways to Connect

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