Melancholy: an important color of writing

The cawing crows know the truth that lies beneath and speak it aloud with their foul-mouthed calls. The wasps that gnaw on my back porch whisper about more hidden details waiting to be uncovered.
The cawing crows know the truth that lies beneath and speak it aloud with their foul-mouthed calls. The wasps that gnaw on my back porch whisper about more hidden details waiting to be uncovered.
“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” Cynthia Occe
I have no choice, but to be me. I cannot become a chair or a clucking hen. I can act like one. I can fold up and hide. I can sit still and be present. I can shine like the brilliant stripes or cast gray shadows. I can simple be.
Reflections from Tuscany: A letter I stumbled upon as I ‘unpack’ six weeks of life-altering journeys and experience. I have to start somewhere, so why not here? Perhaps I brought home a little something for you.
Tara L. Duckworth - "As a retail business owner and a parent, I find myself focusing on taking the time to enjoy the blessings I have in front of me."