Lucy's Fave 7 for '07

Magpie Girl, a sponsor of Small is Beautiful, has asked for a lineup of my favorite seven posts for the past year. So, here it is...somewhat random...kind of like me ☺!
The Man on the Bus
The Words will not Come
Young at Heart
A is for Anniversary
The Tale of Lucy
Beauty in the (not so) Small Things
(Dear Readers, if you have a favorite post or topic, I'd love to hear what you have to say!!!)
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Reader Comments (2)
I have more of your blog posts bookmarked than any other blog I read. Your post "The Battle" was incredibly appropriate on a day when I was struggling so deeply with not relapsing with my addictions. I also really like your post called Paradox..Conviction. Those are two of my favourites.
hope--thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! i am truly honored and a bit awed to think that somewhere my words are "bookmarked." more importantly, i am delighted that they have given you encouragement. i am happy to know you are out there reading and it's so nice to have your comments here!