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Young at Heart

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.” -- Mark Twain

Who says you can’t be young again? Saturday, following my sister-in-law’s wedding, I was able to do just that thanks to my two young nephews, Will and Wyatt (ages 9 & 7) and my sweet little cousin, Graham (7).

After attending a fabulous reception at Sparrow in Denver, the large extended family headed out to our Uncle Tom and Aunt Katie’s house on a small private lake. (They were the original tomkat long before Cruise and Holmes). With brothers, sisters, cousins and parents enjoying the scene, much laughter and camaraderie ensued and a good time was had by all.

My favorite part of the day (other than the wedding, of course) came when Graham asked if I would like to go for a paddleboat ride. His sweet voice and big blue eyes were persuasion enough, and it was a glorious day, so I jumped at the opportunity. Soon, Will and Wyatt decided they should come along too. Three of us struck out in the paddleboat while the fourth followed in a rubber rowboat. Our destination was the floating trampoline near the center of the small lake.

Once we arrived at our target, we tied up and all clambered onto the trampoline. “What now?” I asked.
“Huh?,” they responded puzzled.
“This is IT?” I said somewhat dismayed for I was anticipating a greater adventure than sitting on a trampoline.
“Well, we could jump in the lake.” One of them said tentatively.
“Sounds good to me.”
They wondered if I was bluffing. “We’ll go if you go first.”
And that was all I needed. I gave a hearty “O.K.!”, stood up and dove into the lake--clothes, jewelry, contact lens and all.

I’m not sure which was more delightful—the feeling of freedom as the cool water lapped around me or the surprised looks on the faces of the three little boys. Very soon, however, I was no longer alone as Will and Graham followed my lead.

On the shore, rumors were stirring. Someone thought I had been pushed in. Another thought I lost my balance and fell. Rescue plans and worried parents headed toward the shore. My husband zoomed in with his giant camera and quickly realized that all was well with the world. His wife was gaily laughing as she played in the water like a child.

There’s nothing like a spontaneous and joyful move by an adult to stir the curiosity of children. For just a moment in time, we were all the same age, laughing and playing in the water without a care for the world of adults. It was pure heaven. Who says you can’t be young again? Try it some time; it might just add years to your life.

photo by bill

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Reader Comments (6)

How delightful!! And what a grand weekend you write of!

September 5, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterredbarn

Such a great story! I have had some very memorable times playing on the water as an adult. Wish I could have shared the laughter with you.

September 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAbbey of the Arts

Lucy, I loved reading your post just now! The majority of my fondest memories have been in, on, or near the water. Spending entire summers at the beach with my family, and now living a stone's throw away from The Chesapeake Bay in Maryland ... I'm all about the joys of being with special people & water!

September 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterThe Dream

thank you all.

water. i am being drawn to consider more deeply what it means to me.

September 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

Water breaking.....oh my God, who knew what we were in for?!:)


September 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSunrise Sister

HaHaHaHa! I'm laughing hard before coffee this morning (rare indeed). Your youngness of heart has taken several years off mine today. Thanks!!

September 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterhmmbrd

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