
Coming from one whose primary medium of art (at least here) is the written word it can seem odd to say that it is not the words of life that count, but the moments. While reading Mark Nepo’s words today, “when I think of those who’ve taught me how to love, moments come to mind, not words,” my mind was flooded with moments (many of them from the last few days.)
A hug. A smile. A laugh. The simple words of “eagle, eagle, eagle!” as the majestic bird flew past the shoreline. My son and his girlfriend head to head on the beach looking like two carefree children studying the tiny crabs. An arm slung over my shoulder and a kiss on my forehead—feeling cherished as a child by the son to whom I am mother. A joke and laughter shared that I cannot recall the words. Sitting with friends around a fire. Breaking bread together. The splendor of flowers at the market filling the air with fragrance and beauty. A car full of teenagers spilling out and wrapping me in bear hugs before they went off to play. Fireworks. Hard work. Quiet moments.
Moments. It is not the words I will primarily remember about the last few days, but the moments. The moments I knew that God was speaking to me through the beauty and wonder and glory of the creation surrounding me and teaching me that I am beloved.
What are the moments that speak to you of love?

Reader Comments (8)
I'm thinking I see son J in that nice picture? Am I right?
yep :-) it was a fabulous day!
Wonderful post. Moments are so precious. I often think that the only thing I would really object to about ageing is if I forget the moments that I treasure. But then I guess if I've forgotten them, I won't know I've forgotten them!
And on the moments that speak to me of love, yes, most of them involve those I know and care about, but I so treasure the various small kindnesses of strangers as well.
tess--re: aging...i have told some of my dear friends that if i start to 'lose my marbles' i am o.k. with that as long as i am having a good time, otherwise...yikes. so, i can relate.
also, "small kindnesses of strangers" are huge for me too.
Wonderful post and picture! The fun and friendship - relaxed and evident. Worth remembering with joy and no cherish without projection -
ss--'projection'--are you practicing your psychology terms?? :-)
oh, gulp....let's see if what I said was what I meant. I meant without projecting what tomorrow might bring - and not holding back because we know our own history -"living in the moment" is the echo in my head. I think my friend and yours, Lucy, uses that living in the moment bit, along with a few other good writers here and there - Henri Nouwen, etc...:)
SS--love that "living in the moment"! it's really all we have, isn't it? that a comparison to henri? wow! thanks :-)