
If any one day had not been lived, how much different would I be? Less whole or more so? For some days have torn holes in my heart and others have penned indelible images into my soul. If any one moment had been skipped over or passed by, would I still be who I am today? Do we need all of the moments? I might guess ‘no’, but some are so defining they could not be missed.
It is kind of like the word ‘whole.’ Without a single letter, “w”, the word becomes ‘hole’ and indicates something empty or lacking or possibly waiting to be filled. Our life is filled with moments built and woven together like a fine tapestry comprised of death, divorce, marriage, birth, rebirth, life…repeated over and over in seemingly random patterns.
A moment…When does it become defining? When does the weight of a moment become irreversible? What times do children choose to remember? What are the moments I have chosen to hang onto? Why do some seemingly disappear from memory? Are they always with us? Lingering. Waiting. Forming. Shaping. Making up the wholeness of who we are?
So, what is wholeness? I see it as being fully and completely who we are at any given moment as best we can. Knowing that a moment in time can change a life forever, because the tapestry is always growing thread by thread.
So, what are the moments that have shaped you? What will you choose to do with the coming moments of your life…beginning right now?

Reader Comments (10)
This is such an intriguing idea--how would we be different if we hadn't lived just one of our days? The thing is, we often have no idea exactly which moment is going to have the biggest impact. Even in hindsight, there's probably all sorts of little things that we're missing--things that we can't imagine having any affect at all on our current lives. I need to give this some more thought.
I like the analysis of the word (w)hole. Very thought-provoking.
Your question reminds me of that old story - Ray Bradbury I think - of the time traveller tourists who go back to the dawn of time and one of them steps on a bug. When they return to their own time, everything is different.
I think I'll answer your question in terms of my own life more fully over the next few days on my blog.
I like your challenges to reflect on the moments that have shaped me - what I'll choose to do with the coming moments of life.....I read your post early this a.m. and came back this evening for a reread - very nice work!
very good post....thought-provoking.
Lucy!! Love the post and the questions it posed......thought about it all day while waiting for Dale while he was in surgery. Initially I thought that the most profound moments were the extremes....the worst, sad moments (the decision to send our son away) and the best and brightest moments (ie the birth of our babies) etc. and then after surgery was over
, with everything going well I realized it was also about all the 'moments' that actually didn't happen too that were profound (the holes) that didn't occur....all my imaginings and worrying that didn't happen that make up my those 'holes' in my life that were so important. It made me grateful....pretty amazing stuff really. Love, Pamela
Actually I remember a hole, or more precisely don't remember it. It was around the time I had surgery for my broken neck. There seems to be a week or so that is simply missing from my life. The only thing I can say for sure about those days is that I didn't get into any trouble during them. Who knows, those days may have been the very apex of me on my best behavior. Maybe that should be on my tombstone: "Finally, he's as good as he was then."
dear readers---i am overwhelmed by the wisdom, thoughtfulness and humor of your comments. i look forward to hearing more of what you have to say.
these are fabulous moments for me...reading...writing...listening...
thank you for your presence!!
It is a thought-provoking post, Lucy. One thing that popped into my head as I was reading everyone else's comments was that it is less a single transformative moment than a string of little moments, seemingly insignificant at the time, that put together bring me along. Like a string of perfect little pearls. Even today, having lunch today with a former student who has adopted me as her mother. It provides a very beautiful bridge into the future. Perhaps I will continue this thought in my own blog...
barbara--i love the image of "a string of perfect little pearls." i look forward to hearing your "continuing thoughts." peace.
Ah, a quote from one of my well loved authors and true, and beautifully said...