My Commitment to Anti-racism Growth & Action

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
I'm making education and action regarding anti-racism a priority. I will stumble, not get it right, mess up, and piss people off, but I'm trying. I vow to do better, even when the task seems daunting and overwhelm threatens to stop me in my tracks. The best way I know to overcome goals or problems that feel too big is to break them down into doable steps.
Yesterday I stayed off social media, no incessant scrolling on Instagram or Facebook. Instead I read newsletters and researched recommended resource lists. I've got a lot to learn. I signed a petition to pressure the prosecutors serving on behalf of George Floyd and made a donation to his family. I paid attention to people I trust like Brené Brown and my friend Kanesha Baynard. I'm reading Elaine Brown's "A Taste of Power" (Elaine Brown is an American prison activist, writer, singer, and former Black Panther Party chairwoman.) And I've pulled back out my copy of "White Fragility" for a refresher course.
Periodically, I checked in with myself, meditated, walked, and took lots of deep breaths. I gardened and procured nourishing meals for my body. I drank tea and ate dark chocolate. (It's good for the brain, you know). I listened to Rachel Rickets Insight Timer talk on steps to spiritual activism twice, and then forwarded it to several friends.
I share this list for myself (and anyone interested) to remember that single steps turn into miles. Seeds planted grow. Compassion and empathy flourish under the right conditions. Personally, I need lots of quiet moments and solitude. When shouting starts, I shut down. I lose my focus and begin to fall down the rabbit hole of woe is me or Netflix bingeing. Now is not the time for woe is me. It's time for shoring up and learning what we can each do on behalf of social justice.
I am a woman who dances on the scrim between shadow and light. I write for me, my heart, my gravity and grounding. I do it in the hope that my presence and action may benefit others. My work is loving the world and helping individuals learn to do the same, beginning with themselves and their unique steps. I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea and anti-racism action is not one size fits all. My challenge is to move beyond the naysayers who tell me I'm getting it wrong, and to trust my heart, my motives and my actions. Only I know what is true for me. Shouting and demanding "shoulds" from others is not my way. I am a warrior of the light who believes in the healing flames of one small candle at a time.
I'm making education and action regarding anti-racism a priority. I'm muddling my way through and invite you to join me. Stay tuned for more resources and feel free to reach out if I can help you do the same. (Side note: as I finished this post, a hummingbird came and sat in the fountain beside me. I believe in magic! Do you?)
Because I like to keep things simple ...
Step One: Break it down. Begin with what you CAN do rather than focusing on the enormity of what you can't.
Step Two: Learn from resources you already trust. Expand outward from there.
Step Three: Limit time spent on social media if that causes overwhelm. You won't miss anything important, I promise.
Step Four: Prioritize your own self-care. Change begins from within. Take care of You!!
Step Five: Research, listen, ask lots of questions, take a step, fall down, get back up. Rest. Revive. Rejoice when possible! This is a marathon not a sprint.
Bonus: You've already begun by stopping here!! Remember that you can click on the resources listed in this post :)

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