I Thought I Was Okay

Sometimes when we think we're okay, our insides have another experience. The 2020 #shelterinplace experience highlights more than a physical virus running rampant.

Sometimes when we think we're okay, our insides have another experience. The 2020 #shelterinplace experience highlights more than a physical virus running rampant.
Articles and Podcasts from around the Net
Today's prompt play is from the fabulous book, Wide Awake. Every Week. It's a lovely compilation of 52 voices and 365 AHA! Moments. This one just happens to be by yours truly :) "Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see." C.S. LEWIS
This month I’m exploring the world alongside priestess, everyday pilgrim, and poet, Vanessa Sage with her invitation to Enchant Your Everyday. Mainly, I’m posting photos at Instagram, but today’s prompt, #Alive, begged for a bit more attention.
This past weekend I had the luxurious pleasure of participating in nearly 48 hours of retreat in the privacy of my own home. While facilitated by meditation practitioner, Susan Piver, we were invited to let go of all expectations, hold our minds toward ourselves, and allow the schedule to be our container.