Playing with Prompts ~ #Paris

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
Oh Paris, how do I love you? Let me count the ways.
Click the photo for all 31 prompts! “Paris” is a BIG prompt for this Paris-loving lady! One of the things I do when I’m coaching people about journaling or writing or Life in general is to break things down into small steps. Begin with what feels manageable. Use a prompt if that helps! I often use poetry to get me going. Here’s one of my faves, followed by my journal response from a day last May à Paris, bien sûr (of course)!
“Learn to be quiet still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.” Franz Kafka
Ecstasy rolled at my feet when I stepped out the front door and inhaled the fresh morning air. The city was enveloped in quiet. Sunday morning in Paris. The tabac shop, usually bustling at this time of day, shuttered and still. The sidewalk greeted our steps with hints of Saturday night revelry ~ stray garbage, a urine stain, a pile of puppy poop ~ along the way.
Ecstasy rolled at my feet with Paris spread before us from the top of the Eiffel Tower. I’d never been up that high during the day. The Seine shimmered, the forest greens looked lush and inviting. The day itself shimmered with laughter on the elevator and friendly American voices.
A nap. Ecstasy! Sounds of Sunday drifting up through the windows. Echoes of warm air ~ horse clip clops, laughter, chatter, birds, scooters…
My nose stuffed, I still remembered: I am here now… in Paris… with my best friend… with yellow roses and cozy sheets.
Paris, je t’aime!
How will ecstasy roll at your feet today? If you’d like, imagine the City of Light as your guide whether you’ve (physically) been there or not!!!
During the month of March, Sharon Richards and I (the creators of SoulStrolling) are sharing 31 simple words to help you connect and collaborate with your world. (Click here for details and to download the words. No sign up and it’s FREE!)
Ponder the word for the day. Notice what arises in your mind. Free-write. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Make art. Dance it. Snap a photo. Use it as a walking meditation. Slow down. Take your soul for a stroll. Be present. What captures your eye? The ways to play are infinite!!!
How might #Paris tempt you today?
Share your findings on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, your blog... Use the hashtag #soulstrolling + the prompt for the day (ex. #Paris) I'd love to know if you're playing!

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