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Playing with Prompts ~ #flirty

“Flirty doesn’t have to mean flighty.” – Kayce S. Hughlett

AAK! is my initial reaction when I read those words… and they’re my words! There is an implied judgment that ‘flirty’ is somehow bad and an assumption that ‘flighty’ is equally so.  I flit from thing to thing all the time. Bees do it. Birds do it. Oh, I feel a song coming on… Wait, no singing. We’re talking about flirty today.

Flirt ~ to play at love; to dart about

We play at life, at love. If we’re lucky, we love life. And I’m not even crazy about the word ‘luck.’ I like serendipity and synchronicity and creating our own magic. I believe in a Universe that is for us rather than against us. What if we believed that everything was operating on our behalf? I mean everything!

From that argument you had with your partner on Monday night to the root canal on Friday morning. From Donald Trump running for president to Paris being attacked by terrorists. Yikes! It’s enough to make anyone dart about. Oh my, here I am flitting about once again. (A more polished prose-maker might say: But I digress…)

Anyway… It wasn’t my intention to write about politics or root canals today. I wanted to write something light and fun, to not take things so seriously. I wanted to pause and remember that day in Paris near Victor Hugo’s house in Place des Vosges. SoulStrolling with Sharon Richards. Sitting for hours, sipping wine, munching on sandwiches, engaging in conversation, laughing. I can hear the lyrical sound of children and fountains playing like Mozart in the background. The sun warming our faces to the perfect glow ~ not too hot, not too cold. Goldilocks's version of heaven.

Meeting our new friends, Lindsay and Patrick. Talking about life and values. What’s important to you? What do people need to know? What is your message? “Flirty doesn’t have to be flighty,” I blurted. We all paused. A truth ~ my truth ~ had joined the symphony of sounds.

I play at life ~ with love. I sip the nectar from its bountiful beauty and hope to share it with others. I flit. I float. I take flight. AND I do it from a grounded place… well, most of the time… I think {wink}.

A prompt is a magical thing. Like a new day, it can take us on a journey beyond our wildest imagination. Perhaps that is what flirty is? Moving from one thought to the next ~ with love. Taking our souls for a stroll. Flitting, flirting in this open morning space where seat meets cushion and pen meets paper. What will you flirt with today? What will I?  


During the month of March, Sharon Richards and I (the creators of SoulStrolling) are sharing 31 simple words to help you connect and collaborate with your world. (Click here for details and to download the words. No sign up and it’s FREE!)

Ponder the word for the day. Notice what arises in your mind. Free-write. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Make art. Dance it. Snap a photo. Use it as a walking meditation. Slow down. Take your soul for a stroll. Be present. What captures your eye? The ways to play are infinite!!!

Where will you find #flirty today?

Share your findings on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, your blog... Use the hashtag #soulstrolling + the prompt for the day (ex. #flirty) I'd love to know if you're playing!

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