Naked. Let your cape fly!

Why? Because it is powerful. A woman riding a bull in the water. Three-dimensional, out in the elements, constantly washed by water.Recycling in the cycle of renewal.Naked, cape flying.You can feel the power and flow of two of Earth's heavenly creatures stretching and freeing themselves from old ideas and other people's chains.The bull ( a sacred animal that speaks of the power of earth ) raising its nostrils to keep the woman Europa connected to life by water.Holding and nourishing the dream. Bringing the energy alive.There is a rhythm and a connection that creates movement and fire, it's a poem to life. To passion and truth.There is no place or need to hide.Just as these two creatures illustrate - Life is art and, yes, art is life. Life giving and joyful.My work is all about freeing the soul from old stories, beliefs, fears and vows about not being enough.It is a song of freedom.Giving those who are ready the courage, confidence and drive to ride that bull to success, each in her own way.Guiding each woman to merge into the power of who she is.Many women have been hiding their joy, (that was my story) staying in the background, invisible, working for others and not knowing how to get past the pain, expectations and confusion.I believe when we hear our truth, and are freed from old baggage we gain the impetus & courage to ride on the wings of our souls."
Jen Duchene, Success Astronumerologist, Akashic Healer and Reader, Speaker, Author, helps women express themselves freely to create Success on their own terms. Her clients are guided and supported to uncover their most powerful abilities and vision – break through blocks, release “emotional weight,” and manifest what they desire in their business and personal lives.

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