We Want to See You Be Brave!

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett with Michelle Radomski
I am traveling in Europe for six weeks. It's the longest time I've ever been away from home. Ever. I embarked on the first part of my journey alone. I've flown around the world and landed in Italy, the birthplace of the Renaissance. Art and architecture surround me. I stand in awe of it all. The art. The artists. Me. How brave we all are and were.
Before I left home, I was playing with my 'how does art reflect your work' series and one creator came to mind as I considered who I'd like to represent me as I embark on this grand journey. I chose the beautiful and talented Michelle Radomski. I don't think Michelle would mind me telling you, but she (like many artists) is an introvert. While she might say that her light shines through her work (which would be true), I would say that her mandalas, book covers, and graphic designs reflect the beauty, bravery, and gifted talent that is Michelle. She is a shining light in the world and I am honored to carry her joie de vivre with me today.
I believe it's easy to look at art or photos and say what you like, but it takes true creative talent and bravery to make your own. Here is what Michelle had to say when I asked the question: What creation or masterpiece would you select to represent your business and why?
"I looked and looked for the perfect art piece to represent the depth and passion of my work, and I couldn't find a piece that was just right. So, being the designer that I am, I created it. This piece combines everything I love -- truthful, inspiring words; powerful, story-telling images; and beautifully designed type.
If I could have a theme song for my work it would be Brave by Sara Bareilles. I truly believe that every voice matters, and when enough of us unapologetically share our voices, we WILL change the world. That's why Brave goes straight to my heart. I mean, seriously, "Say what you want to say and let the words fall out, honestly. I want to see you be brave ..." that IS my work. I believe in the power of every voice. I believe that every voice matters. And I love using exquisite design to help people discover, own and share the power and the beauty of their voices."
click to learn more "I believe that every voice matters."
Yes. I do, too!!
I am grateful to have art and artists in my life like Michelle!
Please remember:

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