Live by Simple Success

by guest author Jen Duchene
Doing what enriches you, creates success. Simple right? But not always easy.
Success is defined by you and for you when you bring your body, spirit and mind into balance in everything you do.
Take the holidays for example. They can be stressful times, filled with a long list of things to get done. Nothing simple about that. Unless you shift gears and start with you first.
What would make this time of year a success for you?
Envision it, Define it, Explore it, Act on it, Be it.
Kicking into Neutral ©KSHKick into neutral. Be open and gentle, by avoiding judging any choices you and others make.
Generously give the gift of neutrality to your loved ones and those who irritate you, too.
It is probably the best gift of all this season.
If people say no to you, lovingly accept their answer, as an acceptance of their needs, not a rejection of you.
When an activity you are invited to feels like a no, honor and respect that.
No explanation necessary. By anyone. No, thank you is a full sentence.
Yes, it takes a decisive hand and a willing heart to arrive at simple, and it is worth the effort.
December is traditionally a month of merriment and endings, which sometimes get muddled in the storm of supposed to, and can build a mansion to stress.
Doing things that are out of alignment like overspending on presents or getting resentful because there is too much to do messes with how joy unfolds.
The month of December invokes the 12. A number of parlaying lessons learned, into a delightful birthing of self-expression. Where the passion of the 3 (1+2 = 3) connects you and your loved ones in a powerful celebration of glee.
If negative feelings arise from a weighty must do list, take it as a sign to get comfortable being decisive. You get to choose how to use your resources.
Don’t overthink your decision or worry about doing the right thing for everyone else.
Making choices based on assumptions of what you think people want to hear or have, will give you a 2% chance of making anyone happy.
Keep it simple.
Decide based on what will make YOU happy first.
You can always negotiate with loved ones in your life.
But to get to success you must be willing to be straightforward. Honestly, it hurts less when you don't beat about the bush.
Skip the resentment and recriminations by focusing on what feels good to you.
Be ready to say no when the request sounds overwhelming or wrong
And yes when you really, really want it.
Clear the clutter of how it’s supposed to be, filter out old voices and complicated scenarios.
Know what you want.
Become a divining rod for what you desire and you will attract joyful abundance and success.
Life reflects your choices, practice living simple success daily.
Jen Duchene, Success Astronumerologist, Akashic Healer and Reader, Speaker, Author, helps women express themselves freely to create Success on their own terms. Her clients are guided and supported to uncover their most powerful abilities and vision – break through blocks, release “emotional weight,” and manifest what they desire in their business and personal lives.
After 30 years as a designer of personal spaces, Jen crossed the invisible barrier of self-awareness to work with the sacred 'interior space' inside each of us. Now embracing her lifelong passion and intuitive gifts, Jen serves as a clear, unbiased channel that fast-tracks healing and creates a success path for glorious, prosperous and kick-ass living!

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