#17 Nature's Offering - Oh Ocean

by guest author, Blaze Lazarony
Oh Ocean,
Everyday I look into your eyes:
deepest blue, reflective clouds, shifting tides—
We are one.
--Blaze Lazarony
Water is an essential part of my being; every cell of my body comes alive as I soak in the sights, smells, and sounds of a body of water and the flora and fauna that call it home.
Today from my office window I watched five Black Cormorants passionately dive and soar in unison into Monterey Bay, each one plunging themselves into the chilly waters to fish for an afternoon snack. Cormorants themselves symbolize the need to engage in a new opportunity, especially one that we may think is just outside of our comfort zone. I wonder to myself—What type of encouragement is needed today for me, for you, for the world to embrace newness and stretch ourselves beyond what we thought was possible?
And then, in the next moment, I hear the gentle sounds of waves lapping upon the shore and the occasional bark of a wayward elephant seal claiming his territory on the beach.
This seashore is an ever changing landscape, no two moments ever the same. Tomorrow, who knows what Mother Nature will bring? Perhaps the day will usher in choppy seas, storm clouds, or a Snowy White Egret body surfing on a kelp bed right within my field of view.
One of my daily practices includes communing with nature either from within my home or outdoors from my front porch. I also share this reflective process with my transformational business strategy clients; it was taught to me by my mentor and is called, “Sit Spot.” This a reflective practice of immersing ourselves within the vastness of Mother Nature herself, where with she as the master, and she encourages us to draw forth our own “inner master.”
As we seek more inspiration and simplicity during this busy time of year, I’d invite you to find your version of a “Sit Spot.” Discover a place within nature that energizes you--whether it is by the water, amongst the trees, high in the mountains, or even a wonderful place you imagine in your mind’s eye.
And when you arrive, here are a few questions for you to ponder: Mother Nature herself is a stunning beauty, renewable and with a strong desire to both survive and thrive. How are you like nature? And how are you different? And why?
Blaze Lazarony is a Transformational Business Strategist, Founder of Blaze A Brilliant Path, Best-Selling Author & Speaker. For 20 years, Blaze held high-level positions in Fortune 500 companies, including Macy’s, Inc. She thought she was her job title until she was diagnosed with cancer, she chose to leave that world behind. Today her passion is leading the charge for conscious women entrepreneurs to stand in their value by helping them design custom-fit businesses and live soul-based lives that light them up! She is also a sought after speaker, and a co-author of four books, including 25 Brilliant Business Mentors and Their Top Tips to Catapult You to Success.
Today Blaze lives in Central California with her husband David in a historic Arts and Crafts home by the sea, which is affectionately named: “Sea of Tranquility.
She wakes up each morning to the call of seagulls, ideas to help conscious women entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level, and even after a stormy night, an occasional rainbow.

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