Sitting on the Fence or Reaching for Stars?

Lucy leaned back into the sea foam green Adirondack chair, kicked her manicured feet straight out in front of her and stretched her arms wide like a vee over her head. The Panama hat she wore to shade her highlighted locks rubbed against the soft inner flesh of her arms, a mild irritant.
Yes, a mild irritant would be the best way to describe her internal state. It felt like something she couldn’t quite name was rubbing against her insides. It was similar to running her hand along the aged cedar fence that surrounded her yard. She could feel the ripples underneath her fingertips and, if she wasn’t careful, a splinter might catch in her soft skin.
She didn’t like this feeling.
Again she thought of the fence, but this time she imagined walking along the top of it, balancing like a kid on a fallen log.
She put the two fences together in her mind—one with rough sides and splinters and the other that invited her to balance. They both felt risky. Either choice meant she had to do something.
Lucy knew if she continued to sit on her butt in the chair, the jagged feeling inside would continue to grow. If she climbed atop the fence, it meant she risked falling off… but wasn’t falling off more exciting than staring at the blue star she’d painted on her toe?
Ugh. She hated this space of in-between… and… she loved it. She could climb atop the fence or stay planted where she was. She could reach for the blue star or she could spend her days staring at it and wishing something might change.
It was her choice.
What will you choose today? Sitting or reaching?
(today's topic inspired by Sarah Selecky's writing prompt: write for ten minutes about a blue star and some kind of fence) Give it a try. I dare ya!
Reader Comments (2)
This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your gift of writing, story, and pondering.
I used to be a subscriber of Sarah's and you have just inspired me to sign up again.
Thank you, Jen!! Can wait to see how Sarah inspires you :) xo