Heal Yourself. Heal Our World.

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
As a person who spends a significant amount of time in conversation about what it means to heal yourself or practice self-care, I've come to understand (and practice overcoming) the bias that says self-care is selfish. It's a biggie. I get it! But what if ... let's say for pondering purposes ... you truly believed that healing yourself is the first step in making a difference in our world. How might that change your life? How might it change the world?
For me, this belief makes all the difference in how I structure my life. It's a lovely and comforting thought to know that by offering kindness to myself, it might/will/does trickle down to others. I begin with simple things like 5-minutes of breathwork where I send lovingkindness outward; offering myself delicious food at a place I love; being kind to those around me; putting my feet on the earth and taking a walk even when it’s cold and gray outside.
I also surround myself with inspirational people, reading, visuals, and lots of animal love. What inspires you?
Take a moment, breathe deeply, and listen to your heart. How will you plant seeds of love and hope today?
”We all need inspiration right now. We all need to find our own light and know it is okay to shine it in the world. And we must plant seeds of love and hope as we find meaning and passion and shine our essence in the world. Not only will we heal ourselves, but we will be an inspiration to others in need.” Sandra Ingerman, Medicine for the Earth
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365 practical reflections and prayers of inspiration, purpose, freedom, and joy. Infused with teachings from historical and current wisdom figures like Carl Jung, Martha Beck, Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Thomas Merton, Sue Monk Kidd, Anne Lamott, and others, As I Lay Pondering feels like sitting down for conversation with a close friend. Filled with soul, it will meet you where you are whether looking for a recharge or grasping for a lifeline. It is a book you can turn to anytime and read cover to cover, randomly, or one entry at a time. Filled with inspiration, short stories, and simple activities to deepen the pathway to presence, this book is the ideal companion for any personal journey.

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