Pondering: Decay. Hope. Thanksgiving.

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
"Here is the handful
of shadow I have brought back to you:
This decay, this hope, this mouthful
of dirt, this poetry."
Margaret Atwood
A handful of shadow. A mouthful of dirt. Ironic. Iconic ... as I sit here in the dim light of my living room. Children above and below, husband beside. A vegan feast in the oven. Altar on the table. Son and granddaughter resting on our bed. Quiet time with binkies and iPad. Music strumming. Candles lit. A day of Thanksgiving. Letting go of the mania. Giving thanks for past decay. Living into new hope.
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“Hughlett finds her voice in the most unexpected places—amidst the grief of life’s challenges, in letting go, in strengthening through presence.” Pixie Lighthorse, Prayers of Honoring Grief

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