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Pondering: Persephone, Busyness, & Books

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett

Hydra, GreeceI’ve been busy, and I don’t like it. I’m okay with life being full, but I try to avoid busy. This time I happen to love the results … for the most part. A book recorded and deliciously launched. An epic trip to Greece. A wonderful week of teaching and inspiring creative souls. But the lesser part of busy, I could do without.  Like being flat on my back for a week, a cough lingering for two more, missed yoga classes, circles under my eyes, clutter in my house. I’ve missed writing. The weird thing about publishing a new book is that there’s scarce time or energy left to write. But I’m making my way back. SoulStroller has taken flight, my cough has quelled, and yoga is back on my regular schedule. 

Ananke & Persephone - Hydra GreeceThis past weekend I attended a writing retreat with a trusted teacher and group of friends. It was a sparkling day in the Pacific Northwest. We rode the ferry to Bainbridge and gathered for laughter, lyrics, deep dives, and for me, a sweet nap in the sunshine. After writing all morning, I curled up and purred like my cat. Heaven!

Our first prompt of the day was to tell where we’d been since we were last together in August. My chest tightened when I considered sharing the immensity of those past months in ten minutes. And so I did what I’ve learned so well, I paused and then began by putting pen to paper and following the story.


Eleusis GreeceI hold a handmade doll in my hand, offer her my worries, and place them on the altar. She speaks to me of Persephone, goddess of the underworld, the one who’s greeted me on Tarot cards and followed me to Greece and back. She rises into the light and holds a microphone in her hand, beckoning others to come. Come into the dark. Come into the light. All are welcome here.

She carries a sword in her hand, the sword of truth that cuts blue butterflies in half with one fell swoop. She lifts her eyes to her captor and says, “Do not f*ck with me.” Ananke, the goddess of necessity, takes her hand and asks, “What do you need right now?” “Ouzo,” she answers and then pauses.

I need to see where Demeter wailed. I need to put my feet on the earth where Hades pulled me under. I need to hold the pomegranate in my palms and taste the juice on my lips. I need to rage against the chaos, to burn the house of blustering fools to the ground, to follow the medicine of the wild donkey and take a bite out of patriarchy’s ass. I need to quell the voices that say I am not enough.

And then, oh Ananke, I need to follow you to the sea and sip sweet wine and touch the fur of the golden muse who has followed me half way around the world. I need to speak of death and life and new birth.

“There’s a coffin behind you.” Ananke whispers then takes my arm and nudges me to the side of the cobblestone path. A woman keens on a rooftop. Pomegranates lay broken open at my feet. Four men shuttle past, a simple wooden coffin on their shoulders. Together Ananke and I move into the procession and stroll to the port before watching our dreams drift outward into the morning horizon.

This. This is where I’ve been since we were last together.

Grumpy Ds Coffee House ~ Seattle

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SoulStroller: experiencing the weight, whispers, & wings of the worlds  has arrived! Available @ Bookstores, Amazon, and your favorite audio version

Seductive, sincere, and at times hysterical and heartbreaking, this memoir follows author and good girl, Kayce Stevens Hughlett out of her carefully constructed comfort zone into the world of international travel, healers, wise winged mentors, and inspiring versions of humankind. 

“Hughlett finds her voice in the most unexpected places—amidst the grief of life’s challenges, in letting go, in strengthening through presence.” Pixie Lighthorse,  Prayers of Honoring Grief 

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