Writing for myself… Writing for you, too

Here I am at my desk. The sun is shining, a gentle breeze blowing through my open window. July 1. The first day of… what? Summer? My new writing life? The rest of my life? All the clichés run through my head as I convince myself it’s time to sit down and write. It’s been awhile since I’ve done this. In fact, I can’t remember when I last scheduled writing time on my calendar. And… as I wrote in my journal this morning I noticed that writing time is the primary time I actually feel like I’m “doing something.” It's rather fascinating for me to consider this thought, because I "do" lots of things that I enjoy. And... There is something about the act of writing that helps me feel accomplished… is that the right word? Satisfied? Content? Complete? Ah, yes… Writing helps me feel complete.
If I’m going to say that I am a writer then I must write. The funny thing is that I write nearly every day. I write something whether it’s a Facebook status or an entry in my hand-written journal. Has my life been reduced to a simple Facebook status? Perhaps that’s why I resist tweeting very often, because the parameters have been shortened even more.
There’s danger in reducing our lives so much… in reducing my life. Funny, how I keep wanting to write to an audience. Has that reduced my ability to write? Am I living in sound bites of three sentences or less?
My life is big. It cannot be reduced. And so is yours! So interesting, how I want to include you – whoever you are – in my thought process. You see, I believe we are all connected. It’s neither you nor me. It’s us. We are one big bunch of jumbled up words and events. We cannot be one without the other. Even in your ignoring my words, you make an impact on me. Even when I believe and understand that I’m responsible for sailing my own ship, I still can’t help but be impacted by you… not necessarily diminished or improved, but impacted. We impact each other.
That’s the crazy thing about Facebook and social media, we are impacted in the most amazing ways by people we’ve never met. And... we can be destroyed by those simple one or two or three line captions that we think are directed at or away from us. It’s all a great big jumble of life. There is no beginning, middle, or end. It’s one continuous infinite cycle – like a crazy 8 or the infinity sign… ever moving, always connected.
So… how do I find time to write for myself with separation from others? Do I want to find it? Will I find it here on this page? What might you find? Ah, there you are again… Even when I only want to write to myself, you enter in. Again and again.
Ponder this: When and where do you feel most complete? Are you making space for yourself? In what ways do others enter into your space? Do you feel diminished or improved in these acts? Has your life been reduced to a Facebook status?
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Reader Comments (2)
First, very pretty selfie......most complete? When I'm painting. Totally agree that we are all one big bunch of bananas, fruit cakes, kooks? For better or worse our words and actions affect other than just ourselves. Thanks for the nice reflection:) xo
Hi Dianna - Glad you're in my fruity salad ;-) xoxoxo