On Freedom, Shiny Crowns, & Making it through the Muckity Muck

Freedom isn’t about never having hard times nor is it merely waiting for the muck to pass once it settles in. Living freely is about learning how to be in the midst of the muck and still feel the shine inside. Because good times or bad, the shine is inside all of us... and life will be mucky!
Everybody's shine looks different, but, generally speaking, shine is that unflappable, unchanging glimmer that’s at our core even when things are at their toughest.
Here's what shimmers up for me personally...
- A desire to write that never seems to go away even when it’s excruciatingly difficult and I wonder ‘what’s the point?’
- My dream of living in France even though it seems impractical for a woman 'of a certain age.'
- The truth that my work is loving the world, and the knowledge that when I come from a place of self-care and nourishment, then offer it back to the world, magic happens.
- The desire for meaningful relationship.
- Everything changes and, at my core, things remain the same.
"Paris Magic" ©KSHLet’s look at #5 for a minute. One thing I’ve zeroed in on over years of working with hundreds of groups and individuals is the idea Robert Fulghum expressed in his poem, “Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” My take on this is slightly different, but it goes something like this: The person we are meant to be is born inside us... there lives a thread of truth that speaks throughout our life if we are disciplined enough to listen. It is imbedded inside us like a guiding light.
When I was four years old I started school at Mrs. Peck’s Kindergarten in Bethany, Oklahoma. Today, I could spout for hours on the love and good times I received at Mrs. Peck’s (even though I blocked them out of my conciousness for over 40 years). My own personal glimmer and my work in the world was already evident in that tiny cottage I thought was a castle nestled behind Mrs. Peck’s average ranch-style home.
How do I know "my glimmer and my work" were present at that early age? I believe this answer is best told through the story of what I loved in those days. Turning back the hands of time, I see myself dressed in a ballerina’s gauze tutu with a diamond tiara on my head. In my hand is a shining silver wand with a diamond-encrusted star at the tip. Reality says my tutu was more likely an apron made of tulle and a satin ribbon tied around my tiny waist. The crown was probably crafted out of silver pipe cleaners or construction paper and glitter, and the wand formed from molded plastic with a rhinestone tip. Nevertheless, they could not have been any more glamorous to my tot-sized taste. It was an honor to be bestowed with this magical costume and I can’t imagine anyone loving the taks more than I.
In our classroom, there were rows of sleeping kindergarteners lined up on folding mats at rest after a rigorous morning of play and no doubt hard work. My task? To quietly tiptoe through their midst and gently help each person awaken from their naptime sleep. My role wasn’t to whack them over the head with the wand or push them off their mat. I was to simply walk beside each person and offer a tap of the magic wand. The rest was up to them. (Not unlike what I try to do each day with grown-up friends and clients).
Now... Let’s revisit the above list and see how it manifested in those childhood days:
- Love of writing… since I was only then learning the alphabet, I can’t say that I was a natural writer, however, my love of story was there. I remember sitting next to Mrs. Peck’s old dog and telling him the tales of my day while sharing an ice cream cone. One day he even shared his dog food with me. My mother was horrified and I didn’t care for it so much myself… but, even in that gesture, my core sense of adventure was evident.
- Dream of living in France… Paris is the city of light for goodness sake... and what’s more brilliant than a tutu and shiny crown? While I don’t consider myself a fashionista, I do love dressing up and being a beacon of light. J’adore sharing light with others in the world.
- My work is loving the world… I believe I began to share my magic with others in that tiny cottage. I loved each person as I gently tapped them with the wand. I loved being of service to Mrs. Peck and I loved the fierce independence of being on my own and bestowed with grown-up responsibility. It was magic!
- Relationship was evident with my love for Mrs. Peck and the care she showed me and the other children. It was present in my sharing with the puppy dog and the joy I experienced when the other kids gave me a Lifesaver airplane through the fence that abutted our yard when I had the measles. Even the relationship with myself was highly valued as I skipped solo around the corner from my home to class.
- Everything changes and at our core we remain the same… I have grown up. I’m no longer 4 years old, but I still love taking my metaphorical magic wand and helping people awaken from their deep sleeps. I adore seeing the light in someone’s eyes when they realize they are loved without condition and they can do the same for others. It is my honor and privilege to help others awaken and shine their light into the world.
Today I feel most grounded and connected when I glimmer with love and light, peace and calm, caring and adventure. It was all there when I was a child and it is here today. Pondering allows me to connect the dots of that which has not changed. Even though the world might tell me that everything has changed, my truth and glimmer have been with me since the beginning and no doubt will be with me until the end. The question is whether or not I choose to nurture them.
What dreams have been with you for a lifetime? How do you live and nurture them today?
I invite you to spend a few moments pondering these questions.
And here's a bonus writing prompt to help get you started:
Everything I love was there with me in kindergarten like...
Experience the magic of Paris with Sharon Richards and me in May 2015. Only a couple of spots left for this grand adventure. Click here for full details.

Reader Comments (2)
This was just delightful to read :-D I have been working a lot on my inner child the last several weeks after attending a retreat on Jungian spirituality and dream work. I'm writing the prompts in my journal as I continue to dialogue with my Red Trike Girl and my Ragamuffin.
Deborah - this makes me smile to read… I'd love to meet your Red Trike Girl and Ragamuffin!! xoxo