Snippets: inspiration, self-care, superpowers, & more…

One of the key elements to living an inspired life is to surround yourself with people who lift you up and make your life richer by their presence. I am blessed to have many friends and colleagues who fall into that category. At the beginning of this year, I decided I wanted to get to know some of them even better and share them with the broader world, so I began my series of interviews with people who inspire me. I hope you’ve been reading along!
This week I decided to immerse myself in the wisdom of the first few interviews. There is amazing deliciousness offered from these inspiring peeps as they talk about superpowers, self-care, and living authentic lives!
Looking for some inspiration today? Check out the snippets I’ve pulled out then click on their names (or photos) to see the full interviews.
BTW – I’m open for interview recommendations. Feel free to nominate your inspiring self or someone else you’d like to hear more from!
“My superpower is my ability to get stuff done while still managing to focus on my self-care. When it’s time for me to focus and produce, I become incredibly efficient in every way. And the self-care, well, it’s not something that’s up for debate in my mind. It’s a priority because I believe it’s the foundation of everything I am.” Debbie Reber – author, athlete, traveler, homeschooling mom
“When I think of the phrase “live it to give it,” I think of self-care. I think of filling up so I can overflow. As an introvert, I think of valuing time alone so I have more energy to give to others. I think of enriching my own spiritual life so I can guide others in doing the same. And I think of doing the hard work of getting to know my truest self so that I can in turn offer it to my community, my future family, and to the world.” Lacy Clark Ellman – lover of food, books, spirituality, growing and making things, far off places, and lovely spaces
“My super power is to be able to see beauty in everything, the desert, today’s sunrise (I try not to miss any of those), compassion amidst tragedy, and the most simple of life’s offerings, like those crazy long eyebrows on my adorable companion Kitty.” Robin Bray – artist, animal lover, new grandmother
“(Live it to give it) means me being myself - which is kind of a short pat answer with a lot more depth to it. It means me not playing small. It means me being grounded in who I am and what I offer to the world: friendship, compassion, presence, soulful travelings, love of trying new things, a listening heart, empathy.
It means me practicing being present to myself so that I can wholeheartedly live my life and share my life with others.” Sharon Richards - nifty fifty, mom, wife, spiritual director, writer, reader, dog walker, yoga practicer, swimmer, traveler
“I live to be who I am and in that I can give from my heart. This is a place of being authentic. Freedom to be myself and not controlled by others.
An immense wet blanket of conformity has been lifted. When I finally got that I can 'live it AND give it' the negative influences started to leave me alone. Now, there is a lightness in the air (i.e., in universal love, trusting friendships and kindness). This sparks and has restored my inner flame.” Carolyn Riker - tutor and teacher, writer and a poet who finds comfort and balance in her kids, nature, music and her sweet cat Copper
C'est fantastique! I love these brilliant shining souls!! What words or emotions shimmered to the surface for you today?
As always, I'd love to hear about your journeys whether near or far! Let me know how I can help you plan and create your own dream-come-true life!!
Ten years ago, I penned the first lines that would ultimately become part of my blog-turned-book, As I Lay Pondering: daily invitations to live a transformed life. Today, it's my pleasure and delight to share with you an upscaled excerpt of these daily readings, complete with exquisite photography from the talented Bill Hughlett + added behind-the-scenes "fun facts." To receive your own FREE copy, click on "Receive Our Monthly Newsletter" in the right-hand column or if you already receive the newsletter "click here." Easy peasy!! Enjoy!!
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