Passing on Our Patra

My calendar year started with the theme of enough when my husband and I were gifted a vessel as part of artist Lynda Lowe's Patra Passage. (Click here to read the post "On Blossoms & Begging for Enough.") Each holder of a vessel is allowed up to 4 months to host the gift.
We recently said “good-bye” to our Patra (#50) with fondness for its new recipient, Hillary Augustine, and gratitude for the time we held it in our home. I pause at the word “good-bye,” because in reality Patra #50 will be in our hearts forever. The Patra entered into our lives in the perfect season—a time filled with many questions for discernment. As she sat quietly on the desk in our bedroom, (and yes, I believe #50 is a feminine energy) she whispered to me each morning, “Enough. You have enough for the day. You are enough.”
Over the three months, she lived with us there were many trying days when I wasn’t sure what ‘enough’ even meant. Nevertheless, this Patra was stalwart in her insistent, compassionate way that all would be well.
Closely aligned with her whispers of ‘enough’ was the reminder that all things are temporary—pain, joy, light, & darkness. Each emotion weaves through our days just as Patra #50 threaded her way into our story on December 28, 2013 and carried the thread onward when she crossed into Hillary’s care (and Hillary into hers) on April 3, 2014.
Patra #50 carries with her the light I saw in Hillary’s eyes when she realized we were gifting the vessel to her, as well as the momentary sadness I feel when I open my eyes in the morning and remember this beauty has moved to a new home. She carries with her the previous holder and the ones that are yet to come.
My husband and I are so grateful to be a part of this journey. Even though the vessel has moved on, the memories and messages she offered remain. When I think of this beautiful project Lynda Lowe has created, I am reminded of a favorite poem by William Stafford.
The Way It Is
“There’s a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die; and you suffer and get old. Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding. You don’t ever let go of the thread.”
“While you hold it you can’t get lost.” Even though we pass her on, our heartstrings and lives will forever hold Patra #50.
What thread or vessel do you hold to remind you that you are enough? Sending the blessings of joy, love, light, and darkness your way!

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