On Rejection, Serendipity & Staying in the Game

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett
Being a writer is an enigmatic thing. One minute you’re in the flow and words pour onto the page like a fresh spring rain. The next, you can’t remember why in the world you’ve chosen to jump into the midst of a threatening thunderstorm. Legions of books, essays, and blog posts have been penned to inspire and get us back in the groove… and, they are often my friends in time of need. The trick is remembering to read them when I need it most.
Occasionally I swirl myself into such a funk I forget that I even like to write, much less love it. The agony of the publishing process is my current nemesis that sends me swirling. Screwing up my courage, I recently popped a half a dozen query letters out to carefully selected potential agents. (A query letter invites an agent to read your work). I promptly received two rejections… they didn’t even wait their designated 10 days to two week time period. Sheesh.
But, hey, at least I’m in the game, right? I’ve chosen to step into this craziness and I trust the Universe will provide me with fantastic results somewhere along the line, as long as I keep listening to where the steps are leading.
Every now and then I stumble on a surprise that reminds me I’m on my right path. Last week while considering becoming a ticket taker at the theater or maybe a baggage handler, this writing prompt arrived in my inbox:
Write a scene that starts with the word “blue” and ends with the word “face.” Write for 10 minutes. ~ Sarah Selecky
Guess what the title of my novel is? BLUE! Is this serendipity or an invitation to continue? Both? Neither? Hmmm.... What follows are the fruits of my 10 minute musing:
Blue. It is my novel. My cross. My mission. It hovers over my days wrapping me in its blueness… its cloak of warmth when I think that I, Kayce Stevens Hughlett, have written a novel… put in the time, made the effort, and completed something others only talk of doing.
Blue comes in many shades like the steel gray cloud that hovers over Puget Sound, threatening to break open in a thunderstorm, but then blowing on to the south and bringing the crystal-colored aqua that speaks of sunshine and brighter days.
Blue – my novel. It has its own many shades. I could stop at any moment, put it in a drawer, and be done, say “enough!” But no, that makes my heart clinch. I could self-publish. I know how to do that, but Blue wants to be something different. It has its own path.
I could pause where I am and wait, see where the clouds drift or I could revamp and bring on more help. I need a warm safe place to move forward. I need to lick my wounds. Two rejections coming in ahead of schedule. Lucky me. Surprise! We reject you “Dear Author.” Not even a moment to insert my name after all their pomp and circumstance about being sure to use their correct name and title.
It’s quite a ride, this novel-writing thing… this speaking/coaching/putting-myself-out-into-the-world thing. I could stop today. Right now. Forever. Just close up shop and disappear like Greta Garbo. But nope…
Blue still calls me as do other things in this magnificent world. And, oh yes, you’ll want to see the look on my face when the right person says, “Yes.” The look on my brilliant not-so-blue face!!
Evidently I’m going to stay in the game. Keep writing. Keep submitting. Keep licking my wounds and cheering myself on.
How about you? What’s the dream that won’t let go of you?
If you’d like a little primer on bravery, be sure to visit the Live it to Give it Interview with Writer Carolyn Riker.
What would you do today if you were brave?
Please let me know how I can support you! I have a few spaces available this season for individual coaching or in my signature on-line program, Live it to Give it.

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