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Independence Manifesto: 26 Ways to Embrace Freedom Daily

*This post was originally published on July 9, 2012, but I felt it was worthy of reprisal. I hope you enjoy!!

"Freedom is the basic condition for you to touch life, to touch the blue sky, the trees, the birds, the tea, and the other person." - THICH NHAT HANH 

While traveling home from our Fourth of July celebration, I was struck by a notion I’d never truly considered: This U.S. holiday that represents Freedom falls precisely in the middle of the year. Thus, it is a potent opportunity (no matter where we reside) to pause and take inventory of the places our personal freedom exists and notice where we hold back from touching life. Freedom is—at its core—a state of mind. When we under-live our lives and ignore the infinite possibilities available to us, by default, we choose confinement over freedom.

Ponder this... How free do you feel right now? Is your answer worthy of dazzling fireworks? Or is there something you’d like to change? Does life feel shackles on or shackles off? Where does freedom ring true for you? Remember, freedom is a state of mind and by changing your thoughts you can change your life.

I hope you enjoy my Independence Manifesto with 26 ways to embrace freedom daily... because every day is cause for celebration!

Accept Authenticity

Be Brave

Create Curiosity

Discover Delight

Explore Everything

Foster Fun

Grow Gratitude

Have Hope

Individuality is Inevitable (Accept it!)

Justify Joy

Kindness is Karmic

Lavish Love

Meditate Mindfully

Navigate Narrowness

Open Options

Possess Possibility

Question. Question. Question.




Uncover Uniqueness

Value Your Values

Wait Willingly

eXamine Freely


Zone in on Zest

References (9)

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Reader Comments (2)

Definitely worth reposting and re-reading! xo

July 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDianna Woolley

thanks, dianna!! always love to know there are readers out there :-) xoxo

July 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKayce S Hughlett

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