Pondering & Puttering

For the past week or so I’ve found myself in one of those lovely liminal spaces where I get to really slow down and simply enjoy what arises. While I try to practice this on a regular basis anyway, there is a noticeable difference when I don’t have external deadlines or commitments on my calendar.
When I opened my journal today I realized that I hadn’t written anything in it for more than a week—very odd for me! My “should” minion chimed in with her chatty advice, so I picked up my pen and started to write. Let’s just say what came out was uninspired and pretty darned lackluster.
Would I let this ruin my day with all sort of self-beratement? Nope. Not today. There was absolutely no beating myself up. My last line read: I don’t feel like writing now… I’m going to make coffee and move along… and I did. It felt so much better than trying to push through something I typically love.
That’s what this time has been about. Deep listening. Not pushing through. Puttering. Pondering. Wandering and wondering. I’ve been taking lots of walks. Studying French. Eating delicious and freshly prepared meals. Practicing yoga. Reading. Tending my garden... both literally and figuratively.
It’s funny, because I was going to write something else here today (more profound no doubt - ha ha), but this seems like enough. I’m off for the week to volunteer for one of my favorite organizations—Soltura—and tonight I’ll join a new group of writers for the beginning of our summer writing session.
Life feels S.W.E.E.T. right now and I am grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to listen deeply and follow my own summer rhythm.
Here's to YOU discovering (& allowing) your own liminal space to pause, ponder, reflect and relax!!

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