Freedom for All

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Today is a BIG day in the world… at least it is in my world.
Barak Obama is being inaugurated for his second term as president of the United States. For the majority of the United States this is a day to celebrate. Others think differently, however, and will choose to denounce the momentous occasion and see it as a time of conflict or mourning.
Today is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day. A day set aside to remember what it means to live and die on behalf of equality for all. May we honor his memory and not see it merely as a day the banks are closed, mail isn’t delivered, and children are out of school.
And finally… {drum roll} {gasp} {tada}… This is the day my eldest child is released back into the free world.
Three acts of freedom. Three events potentially wrought with judgment or hatred.
I do not profess to be a politician, historian or religious individual. What I do embrace in this life is my role as woman, mother, and lover of humanity.
I am flawed and I am imperfectly perfect. I have doled out my fair share of hatred and prejudice in this lifetime. While I wholeheartedly pray I won’t commit harmful acts or be the purveyor of judgments again… I know that I am human and no doubt will stumble. But I choose to remember…
LOVE conquers all. How many times and ways have we heard and experienced that?
Love conquers ALL… This I know to be true. I also believe when times get tough and circumstances aren’t exactly as we had planned or hoped, and obtaining love seems out of grasp, this is the time to reach for compassion. To stretch our thoughts toward humanity and place ourselves in the other person’s footprints.
No matter what race, living circumstance or choices we make in the world, we are human. We all experience fear, hope, grief and trepidation. We have been someone’s child. We have loved and lost. We have fought for what we believe in. We have reached for dreams and come up short.
Today is a BIG day. We honor Martin Luther King Jr. who died fighting against prejudice. I have a dream… We inaugurate an elected leader in this country predicated upon liberty and justice for all.
…and my beautiful child who lost his way for a time steps back into the free world.
Three acts of freedom. Three events potentially wrought with judgment or hatred.
How will we rise to meet them? Ponder this.
And in the meantime,
May light not darkness and love not hatred accompany us one and all… today and always…
…because every day is a BIG day in the world!
Postscript: Freedom Delayed for our household. We don't know why yet because the "people who know" are off celebrating their personal freedom. We arrived at the designated place and time to discover that our son's release was cancelled for today. The reasons are extremely unclear. I'm attempting to reach for light and love in the midst of a very disappointing and confusing situation. Damn! Damn! Damn!
Reader Comments (4)
Freedom, such a simple but powerful word. We all have our own views of what freedom is. You and Bill through your individual and collective efforts have allowed many to find their freedom. As you know for me you were not even aware of your contribution to my finding a path to freedom. To this day I continue on that path. This has also blossomed into me be able to "encourage" others to start on their journey towards freedom. Today is a wonderful day for you and Bill. With my love.
I read your post earlier today but didn't have time to respond. Now I read of the delay you have all experienced. I hope tomorrow brings the personal freedom you desire for your son and the celebration you planned. I'll hold a little flame for you as you seek light and love even now. Across the miles...
dear shea and donna - i am so warmed by the love you've each sent. with gratitude for your love and care. thank you for being such special people in my life!! xoxo
oh i'm so sad to hear this! i hope you get some clarity today. much love!