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For too many days...

For too many days I have not written of what stirs my soul. I have not confessed to the simple pleasures that make up my days. Things like… The soft fur of my golden cat as he greets me with his purring ballet. Sweet whispers and the tender touch of my beloved. Crisp winter air on my skin as daylight meets dark. Luminaries surrounding the lake. Laughter of friends mixed with the jingle of Christmas bells and off-key carols. Twinkling lights amidst the smell of freshly cut evergreen. Gastronomical delights like chicken and waffles turned into art and fat luscious noodles from Tommy’s kitchen. My daughter sleeping safely in her bed. The joy of my sister as she creates her art. Magic and mystery. Music. Dance. Delight.

For too many days now I have not written of what darkens my heart. Frigid rain that persists and chills me to the core. An empty space beside me. Silent friendships and those gone stale. My child in a cold stone cell. Unanswered messages. Aimless thoughts. Hunger and starvation. Loneliness and longing.

For too many days now I haven’t written of Hope, the candle that leads my way – not like birthday flames on a resplendent cake, but rather the single shimmer in the darkest night. Hope in the midst of sorrow. Hope that stirs the pot of joy buried deep within my belly. Hope that gets me out of bed on the gloomiest days, and Hope that leads me like a floodlight on stage when I follow my true passion.

For too many days I have not written of this season that stirs my soul in a multitude of ways. This season of darkness. This season of Hope. In this glorious season may we each reach for peace within and goodwill toward all. May our souls be stirred with delight alongside the acknowledgement of darkness. May we come to know that Hope abides in all who choose to truly live.

For too many days I have not How might you respond?

photo © KSH - Santa Fe Tree

Reader Comments (7)

I feel such a tug reading your post. The bottom's dropped out of my life at a time when I was beginning to experience some long-worked-for success with my writing. Tears come too easy.

And then I read this from C.S. Lewis:

"One moment there had been nothing but darkness; next moment a thousand, thousand points of light leaped out. . . ."

May your heart find peace. May one point of light come your way.

December 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaureen

For too many days I have not...taken a clear break from the anxious energy surrounding me - as I transition from my university gig. I have been too reassuring of others and have not protected my energized and giddy soul bank. Well - that stops to today.
Thanks Kaycee!

December 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKanesha @Bold Living Today

A very lovely post, Lucy. Thank you. I am glad you wrote all this :-)

December 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterclaire

maureen - that's a fabulous quote from c.s. lewis... may you, too, find heartfelt peace and your own point of light.

December 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

kanesha - you go girl! xoxo

claire - thank you so much! hugs.

December 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

I got too zealous with the extra "e" in your name. ((hugs))

December 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKanesha @Bold Living Today

"May our souls be stirred with delight alongside the acknowledgement of darkness." These words capture my feelings of the holiday season called Christmas:) xo I'll be posting about that momentarily.....

December 19, 2011 | Unregistered

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