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I have been in an odd place in regard to writing and living these days. It has been hard to pinpoint what is going on or even what to name it. I have not been motivated to post anything or really even write in my journal and last night I realized that I had not even considered visiting my favorite bloggers yesterday even though I spent some time dinking around on the computer. It was not until this morning when I read this post at Mind Sieve that the word came to me for my current state. I am “drifting.” It is something slightly different, I believe, than that to which Sunrise Sister refers which is more akin to being 'adrift.'

When I use this word, drifting, it does not feel like a moving away from anything (although I have been away from my ‘normal’ routine). It feels more like a liminal space—something in between. I was first aware of this space a few weeks ago when I had opportunity to spend several uninterrupted hours alone in nature. I had a “job” to do which was to listen to my surroundings. I took my journal along with a good book, but as I lay there in nature I found that I had no desire whatsoever to open my journal and record the amazing things happening around me. Lying there with bees buzzing, grass blowing and clouds gently swaying in the sky everything was absolutely perfect. I did not need to do anything else.

And so, that feeling has stayed with me for several weeks now. I have thought I was experiencing writer’s block. I have wondered if it is exhaustion or mere laziness, but I realize now that words like liminal and drifting seem to pop out at me when I hear or read them. It is a gentle shift. A slight rocking motion like the wind moving a hammock with an island breeze. I feel cared for and caressed even though I am not following my usual routine of morning reading and writing. God’s presence is abundant even (perhaps especially) without the need to record my impressions on the page.

Hmmmmm. I believe I have written all that is in me for now. Time to drift ☺!

Reader Comments (12)

what a fantastic image (the feet facing west)...and "liminal"...such a great word - kudos from your beloved lurker :-|

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwdh

reading this i found myself at first picturing an object in the middle of a body of water and then a cloud suspended inside a whole lotta sky ... just floating ... completely surrounded by water or wild blue yonder (depending on the picture) and yet ... not anchored to it. this drift that i was picturing was not so much a moving away but rather a letting go and individuation. i rather like these pictures. i think i shall keep them.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaure

That's it!
it's that in between space, that is both comfortable, and encompassing of the horizons..
Words just don't seem to be there...

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSorrow

Call it drifting or whatever you like, but it sounds like a good place right now and where you need to be. :)

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterH.M.

To be at peace with oneself, God and nature! Life is good!

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdirtydishes

wdh--you know it always makes me smile to see your comment in my box and to receive kudos for a "fantastic image" makes my day! lyl

laure--what beautiful images you have shared. i think i shall hold them for myself, too, if you don't mind :-)

sorrow--your elaboration on laure's comments (i think) have brought even more fullness to the images.

h.m.--wishing you a little bit of drifting or whatever you like to call it for yourself :-)

DD--life is indeed good!

thanks for stopping by ALL!!!

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

Drift...yes, just drift....let the world for a moment revolve without trying to somehow own or control it. True bliss.

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdifferenceayearmakes

Oooh, liminal spaces are good :) How interesting we both spoke of those, although I agree, I think your's and Mr Rohr's are maybe a bit different. But yes, wonderful place to be in.

(Makes you realise, doesn't it, how much we rely on words. I love that verse in Revelation where it says "there was silence in heaven for about half an hour". I think, wow, must be some pretty cool stuff going down if everyone shuts up for half an hour :)

July 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSue

rebecca--i see you find yourself in a bit of your own liminal space these days. yes, drift, just drift!

sue--yes, our reliance on words is quite interesting especially when you consider that most amazing things & experiences truly have no words yet we still spend our time trying to convey them with language :-)

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

I have only just come to your post. (Work is so inconvenient, it disturbs one's blog reading...)
Beautiful image, especially of the gift of lying in nature without the need to do anything else.
Happy drifting.

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTess

I've been feeling this way, too--I think I'm in absorption mode--not doing, just noticing/experiencing. It doesn't do much for the current blog stats, but I think it helps in the long run.

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

tess--'happy drifting' to you, too. you must quit letting that nasty old work get in your way!!

karen--i love the idea of "absorption mode."

August 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

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