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Today's thought from Hazelden is:

May you live all the days of your life.
--Jonathan Swift

Indeed life is much like a game - both a deadly serious one and one that demands laughter, relaxation, and the ability to play. Either way, life demands attention.

There is much of life that is truly exciting and fascinating - are we watching for it? There is hilarity and humor - do we see it? There is that in life which is touching and full of heroism - are we open to seeing it?

All these are not only present in some general, nebulous way about life, but about our lives! Right here where we live, in our lives today, there will be the hero and the goat, there will be disappointment and reason for wild celebration, there will be the beautiful and the horrible. The soap opera is not out there; it is right here with us, in us, all around us. The task is to be present in our own lives, to get our heads out of others' reality, and to find the enormous meaning and vitality of our own.

Life is precious. Today, I will not take my life for granted.

You are reading from the book:

Days of Healing, Days of Joy by Earnie Larsen and Carol Larsen Hegarty

Reader Comments (4)

Reminds of what a precious gift every day(good or bad) is in my life. Thanks for reminding me Lucy!

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdirtydishes

What a thought-provoking excerpt--I've never heard of this book...must take a closer look!

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I read a different Earnie Larsen/Carol Hegarty book every day - one about self esteem. When I was in treatment last summer we watched several Earnie Larsen videos and he's my recovery hero. Lots of good stuff to be found in his material.

July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHope

thank you all for stopping by.

hope--thanks for the additional info on earnie larsen!

August 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

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